That’s three installs so far and jobs just end up hanging or not running at all. Since they cant be cancelled, ,the server ends up in an impossible state and has to be reimaged.
Assuming we’re talking about the Windows 8.1 HCKs, that has not been our experience at all.
The HCKs are now, and have always been, temperamental. They require careful reading of the docs, slavish adherence to the listed procedures, and “ask no questions” acceptance of some odd requirements (for example, why do there have to be speakers plugged into a machine to runs some tests… tests for devices that have nothing to do with A/V).
And we’ve seen LOTS of machines on which the HCKs just plain WILL NOT RUN. And, OMFG, if the controller has a problem with a given target machine? Flattening the target often will not help. The controller somehow remembers SOMEthing about the target, even if you delete it from the controller. You wind-up having to flatten and re-installed the controller.
And those are just two specific examples of which I am aware.
But they DO work. Eventually. On the right set of machines. In the past several months, we’ve actually certified a device and its associated driver for a client, on multiple server OS versions, using the latest HCKs. I wouldn’t say the process was pleasant, but it wasn’t hideous.
Of course, that’s quite easy for me to say. My part of running the HCKs is “here’s a driver package and a couple of boards, and the SDV Log saying everything passed, will you please run the HCKs so we can submit for certification? Thanks.” The above are just a few things I’ve either helped with or heard in the hall…