Is there a chance for a non paging I/O write to still be processed after cleanup has completed ? In post cleanup , can I assume the file will not be modified using the same FileObject ? (again , excluding paging I/O) .
That's my assumption as well -- after post-cleanup returns, only paging IO writes are legal. Tagging along in case someone has a case that breaks this assumption.
And IRP_MJ_QUERY_FILE_INFORMATION - as I rediscovered for the third time last week
Reads also.
Who made a '20 character" minimum post rule
It came with the new software by default!
But I think it makes sense, because it stops people from posting replies that contain nothing but:
Which (I admit) hasn't ever been a big issue in this forum anyhow.
Well... you asked
Any time I need to remember what's allowed post-Cleanup I go to the FAT source code for the check it does (and have a laugh about some of these things being allowed "for Lou" ):
Of course other file systems might allow other things, but FAT is always a good baseline.
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