IOCTL Definitions

Dear Team,

The step4 of USB UMDF OSR fx2_driver implements the device io controls in the controlqueue.cpp file. In the switch case there is a control code named IOCTL_OSRUSBFX2_SET_BAR_GRAPH_DISPLAY which is not defined anywhere in the folder.

If I want to add new ioctl code, do I need to use some tools like guid generator or I can define them in one of the include headers.


The sources file will give you a very big clue as to where the define is made


d:\WinDDK\6000\src\umdf\usb\fx2_driver\step4>dir …..\inc
Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 8CC7-8E97

Directory of d:\WinDDK\6000\src\umdf\usb\inc

06/05/2007 09:59 AM

06/05/2007 09:59 AM ..
11/02/2006 01:56 AM 1,223 list.h
06/05/2007 09:59 AM 5,083 public.h
11/02/2006 01:56 AM 6,585 usb_hw.h
11/02/2006 01:56 AM 686 WUDFOsrUsbPublic.h

d:\WinDDK\6000\src\umdf\usb\fx2_driver\step4>findstr IOCTL_OSRUSBFX2_SET_BAR_GRAPH_DISPLAY ..\..\inc\*

IOCTLs are not globally unique, you can define whatever value you want to use in the header


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 2:59 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] IOCTL Definitions

Dear Team,

The step4 of USB UMDF OSR fx2_driver implements the device io controls in the controlqueue.cpp file. In the switch case there is a control code named IOCTL_OSRUSBFX2_SET_BAR_GRAPH_DISPLAY which is not defined anywhere in the folder.

If I want to add new ioctl code, do I need to use some tools like guid generator or I can define them in one of the include headers.


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Thanks for the pointer. As suggested, I found them in public.h which is a common header file between the driver and the application. In the process I understood the way to define the IOCTL using CT_CODE macro.
