Intermediate NDIS driver question

Hi All!

I am writting the intermediate NDIS driver (IMSAMP sample has been taken as base).
In the DDK documentation they write that the function ProtocolReceive must return the one of next statuses:

I can`t find why there is no NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES also in that list?

If e.g. I has`t get the packet descriptor from packet pool in the ProtocolReceive function I have to return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED. That mean that the received useful packet will be losed ( will not be reindicated later ).
In the MiniportSendPackets function in that case I can set the Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES for packet descriptor and return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE. Subsequently the packet arrived from overlying protocol will not be losed, it will be reindicate later.

Thanks and best regards,