Intermediate driver install help, need NisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport?

I have inherited a combination Memory/Network driver that is
I am porting from NT4 to Win2K. The Memory/Network hardware is
on 1 PCI board with a PCI device ID of type NET. The network portion
of the hardware is a fiber-optic ring. The Intermediate NDIS driver
emulates Ethernet frames on the Fiber ring. They want to bind TCP/IP to
operate on the Fiber Ring for addressing purposes.
Two seperate drivers need to be
installed , one for the Memory driver and the other
for the NDIS Intermeidate miniport network driver. I am having trouble
getting both of the drivers loaded. Do I need two .INF files as is
shown in the PASSTHRU IM filter example in the Win2k DDK? Should one
.INF have the CLASS=NET and the other CLASS=NETSERVICE?
Do I need a Notify Object?
I can load the memory driver by itself OK. If I put two “AddService =”
directives in one .INF file, neither one loads properly.
By the way, the driver works fine on NT4.0

Also a question about one of the NdisIM routines.
I notice on page 1468 of the DDK hardcopy docs, that the statement
“An intermediate driver calls NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport to export
its MiniportXxx functions.” In the NT4.0 version of this driver,
it is calling NdisMRegisterMiniport instead. Does this need to be

The definition of NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport:
NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport registers an intermediate driver’s
MiniportXxx entry points and name with the NDIS library when the driver

The definition of NdisMRegisterMiniport:
NdisMRegisterMiniport registers a miniport’s MiniportXxx entry points with
the NDIS library as the first step in NIC driver initialization.

Any help appreciated.

Ron Jolly


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