Intel Compiler: Can be used to build a driver?


Is it possible to instruct BUILD utility to use ICL and XILINK instead of
Microsoft’s compiler and linkers?

In short, can Intel C++ Compiler be used to build a driver?
If so, pointers and links are appreciated.


It’s messages like this that make me feel old.

Using alternative compilers has been discussed on this list many, many, times. Search the archives.

The short answer is: It’s POSSIBLE to do lots of things. That doesn’t mean it’s practical or reasonable. It’s POSSIBLE to remove your own kidney with a steak knife. But I wouldn’t recommend it.

Just LOOK at makefile.def/ in the DDK. READ it. See how complex it is, how full it is with MSFT-specific switches and options? So, using BUILD is probably out… without an enormous amount of work.

Then just LOOK at the header files. See all those #pragmas? See all those MSFT-specific language extensions? You could probably edit these out, or create custom definitions, or whatever… but it would be an enormous task.

And, what do you get in the end? A driver with a weird heritage, built created with a strange ad-mixture of tools, and that you can’t be sure will actually load and run on every customer’s system … but PERHAPS you like the code generation just a little better.

Down this road lies madness. Forget using ICL or GCC or some other tool and just “go with the flow” and use the free tools that Microsoft gives you. If you don’t have enough to do, donate some time to the Windows driver development community by creating a cool utility or something.


IIRC yes, it is compatible with MS’s compiler by its command line.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation

----- Original Message -----
From: “lallous”
Newsgroups: ntdev
To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: [ntdev] Intel Compiler: Can be used to build a driver?

> Hello
> Is it possible to instruct BUILD utility to use ICL and XILINK instead of
> Microsoft’s compiler and linkers?
> In short, can Intel C++ Compiler be used to build a driver?
> If so, pointers and links are appreciated.
> Regards,
> Elias
> —
> Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
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