InstanceSetup not firing for the second minifilter


We are currently testing two minifilters together and we are in a problem that is:
SetupInstance is not called for the second minifilter we have.

For example:
After we load the first minifilter, it shows all volumes/devices which are connected to attach.
For the second one, it didn’t show anything.
If we change the order is the same… The first loaded will attach device, the second one will stay “empty”.

I don’t know if it could be related with altitude, or anything like this.


forget, was my fault.
I was creating “Instances” registry key with the same name for both drivers.

Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 14:16:44 -0400
Subject: [ntfsd] InstanceSetup not firing for the second minifilter


We are currently testing two minifilters together and we are in a problem that is:
SetupInstance is not called for the second minifilter we have.

For example:
After we load the first minifilter, it shows all volumes/devices which are connected to attach.
For the second one, it didn’t show anything.
If we change the order is the same… The first loaded will attach device, the second one will stay “empty”.

I don’t know if it could be related with altitude, or anything like this.


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