Inf installing driver problem....please help

Dear All,

I am developing an application using MFC VC++ Version 6.0 for Windows 2000
OS in which I am running an inf file using ShellExecute api to install my

Following is the small piece of code used to install the driver:


void InstallSys()
char EZinf[1048];
strcpy(EZinf,“c:\mydriver.inf”); //path of my driver

char EZlpParameters[uSize]= "setupapi,InstallHinfSection
DefaultInstall 132 ";


ShellExecute(NULL, “open”, “rundll32.exe”,EZlpParameters, NULL,



The code is working fine and installing the driver.

When I run the application, the application ,it calls Installsys() to
install the driver and this displays a progress bar window titled “copying
file” window and installs the driver.

I donot want this popup window to be displayed during my installation due
to some reason. I have used SW_HIDE option in ShellExecute function but
still the popup window is still being displayed.

Do I need to make some changes in the inf file?? Or I need to use the Inf
SetUp File APIs (ie. SetupInstallFile or InstallHinfSection API) Please
suggest some way to hide the dialog box and at same time installing the

The installation part of mydirverinf is as:
;; Default install sections

OptionDesc = %FileSpyServiceDesc%
CopyFiles = FileSpy.DriverFiles, FileSpy.UserFiles

1 = %Disk1%

filespy.exe = 1
EZOn.sys = 1

AddService = %FileSpyServiceName%,FileSpy.Service

Please do let me know if you need further information in this regard.
Thanks a lot!

Rohit Dhamija