Identity Verification for attestation signing

Identity Verification

Wanted to attestation sign drivers with my latest EV certificate, but have run in to new identity verification requirements and can't proceed. I've logged into the Microsoft Partner Center using my username and have uploaded my EV certificate, but this doesn't seem to be enough for them. I have been vetted already to obtain an EV certificate in the first place so I'm not sure why this has to be done again.

It appears I need a smartphone which I do not have (don't laugh) to upload a government issued ID such as passport or driver's license, and to upload a "selfie". I expect it's possible to find a friend or colleague to do this for me via their smartphone, but why should I have to? Why are they verifying me rather than the company I work for? Will my personal documents and photograph be in safe hands?

Does anyone know a way round this?

Regards, Richard.

Who are "they"? Do "they" have a privacy policy that covers use of customer documents?

Hmmm.. your questions are pretty much answered in the link you posted.

It’s Microsoft’s party. You want to attend, you have to follow their rules.

I need the Microsoft Authenticator app on my phone to login. It's a pain because I have poor cell reception. However I still manage to login.

However I did/do not have to verify myself. The guy who runs all of the company Azure and business Partner Center stuff setup the Hardware program and added me. I just logged in and I am fine to go if I needed to.

Excellent! So... all done and all is well.

Glad to hear it.