I need some information about some evaluation of IFS kit or any other develop..file system driver to

I need some information about some evaluation of IFS kit or any other
develop…file system driver toolkit.

I looking for an evaluation vertion of any toolki for develop… File
system drivers…
And web pages with any kind of information about fiesystem drivers.

Some body can help me…


-----Original Message-----
From: stav weiss [mailto:xxxxx@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 12:22 PM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Permanent delete or delete to recycler?

Hi everybody,
How can I distinguish between a permanent delete and a delete to the
recycler of a file object, using the file system filter driver? Thanks
in advance, Stav

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>“Moises Herrera Vazquez” wrote in message
>I need some information about some evaluation of IFS kit or any other
>develop…file system driver toolkit.

Buy Rajeev Nagar’s book. Buy the IFS kit from Microsoft. Take an OSR file
system seminar (OK, so perhaps you’ll need to take it in Europe when we next
offer it, if your domain name gives a clue as to your location).

Lo siento, pero… there’s no easy way, no shortcut, to learning this

In case you haven’t done so already, check out http://www.sysinternals.com
for their filemon example of a file system filter driver. I would not call
this particularly well written, nor a really good base from which to start
development of your own filter driver, but it’ll give you a way to start.
It’s surely better than nothing.

Hasta La Victoria Siempre,


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