i need advice on setting up a device drivers course with lab

hi all

im in israel.

i am going to be teaching win2k/xp device driver development.
the academy where im teaching would like to know what i need.

so i need your opinion on that question

i would like to teach pci and usb in this course
i am using walter oney’s book as the concept for this course

what would you guys recommend as the
a. basic
b. reasonable
c. ideal

1.setup for the lab?
2.for my needs as a course developer

i’ll tell you what i had in mind:

for the pci part of the course:
1… amcc’s: S5933 PCI Matchmaker Controller Developer’s Kit (http://www.amcc.com/Products/Pci/prod_175.htm)
2… do i need a compiler/debugger/simulator for this device?
for the usb part of the course:
1… cypress’s: AN2131-DK001 Development Kit (http://www.cypress.com/design/progprods/usb/devtools/an2131-dk001.html)
2… keil’s: DK51 Developer’s Kit(http://www.keil.com/c51/dk51kit.htm)
do i need a scope?
do i need a spectarl analyzer?
do i need a usb analyzer?

here is what i wrote the system admin in my academy:
hi steve

the following is the spec of a computer
suiteable for our new
“sw/hw systems” course
1… complete MS Dev Studio 6.0
2… complete SDK
3… complete DDK
4… compuware’s Numega SoftIce
5… amcc’s pci development kit
6… cypress’s usb development kit
7… keils software dev kit
8… pc magic card (install os upon reboot)
regarding students registered to course
they must be defined as local admin on the course’s lab computers
this should not interfere with network
but allows students to install drivers that they create
the logged on student will still be able to see the network normally

bibliography for the course:
1… osr
2… oney
3… dekker
4… cant
5… solomon
6… mindshare (usb & pci)
7… yhde (sb)
8… baker
so what do you guys think?
am i in the right direction?
or am i missing something?

thanks a lot in advance

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