Hyper-V: How to NOT show a NIC instance in the Virt Network Manager


I have a NIC port which will be used for BOOT. I do not want it to be listed for virtualization in the External connection type drop down list box
0) How do I achieve this?

  1. How does Hyper-V decide to list a particular nic instance in that drop down list?


They’re just NICs. How you use them is the user’s business. Hyper-V lists
all NICs in the set of possibilities for binding a virtual switch.

With that said, I can see why you might want to avoid binding to the NIC
that you’re using for iSCSI.

Jake Oshins
Hyper-V I/O Architect
Windows Kernel Group

This post implies no warranties and confers no rights.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi
> I have a NIC port which will be used for BOOT. I do not want it to be
> listed for virtualization in the External connection type drop down list
> box
> 0) How do I achieve this?
> 1) How does Hyper-V decide to list a particular nic instance in that drop
> down list?
> thx

Thanks. Was hoping there would be some hooks in OS for the NIC owners to choose if they want to get displayed there etc.

(Its been a bit while I have tested Hyper-V virt case especially for below case)
Since BOOT port, we have code to disallow disable/enable of the NIC , but since selecting for Ext-Virtualization temporarily disables/enables the NIC/Protocols, the system goes to stale state ('Error applying New Virtual Network Chantges. The operation on computer name failed")

Yes, its end-user business how he/she selects the NICS, but its hard initially trying to explain to all parties that it is futile exercise trying to gaurd against all end-user stupideness :-). Hopefully the argument that it is typically an admin mucking with the adapaters here will suffice (admin knows what s/he is doing etc).
