How to UseDll on AMD64 version of Vista in InstallShield 2008

I have a DLL that is to be loaded from InstallScript using UseDLL function. Everything is working fine when this is done in 32bit. Now I want to do the same in 64bit also. For that, I built that DLL and its dependencies in 64bit platform. But UseDLL return -1.
My project type is InstallScript MSI project.I set some param for 64bit version:
In Summary Information Stream:
Template Summary x64;
Schema 200
In every Components:
64-Bit Components Yes

Are there anything I can try?

When I took “View Dependencies” of the DLL, it is showing the warning message
“Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.”
It seems related with IEFRAME.DLL.
But I can load the DLL using LoadLibrary function from 64bit machine also .This DLL is then given as parameter to UseDLL function of InstallScript, but UseDLL is not working.

This has nothing to do with developing Windows drivers; you will probably have better luck if you look for a more suitable list to
post this question on. Driver installation is very specific, and InstallShield is not covered here, so this is just a guess, but
the ‘Depends’ error is because it can’t find ‘IEFRAME.DLL’ in the path, but that doesn’t comment on UseDLL. I have no idea of how
that works; you have to read the documentation, but when all else fails, just put it all in one directory. This is what google says
on the subject:

‘The UseDLL function loads a DLL into memory. After the DLL has been loaded into memory, your setup script can call a function from
that DLL. Note that if the DLL specified by szDLLName requires other DLLs, those other DLLs must reside in the folder from which the
DLL attempts to load them. Normally this will be the current folder. To assure that those DLLs can be located, call ChangeDirectory
to change the current folder to the location of those DLLs before calling UseDLL. Failure to do so may prevent the DLL from loading

Good luck,

mm wrote:

When I took “View Dependencies” of the DLL, it is showing the warning message
“Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.”
It seems related with IEFRAME.DLL.
But I can load the DLL using LoadLibrary function from 64bit machine also .This DLL is then given as parameter to UseDLL function of InstallScript, but UseDLL is not working.

Hi mm,

No problem.


mm wrote:

Hi mm,