How to suppress a popup window while installing a WDM Driver?

Hi All,

We have a WDM Driver implemented and corresponding .inf file also, now we
are looking for the way to suppress the pop-up window which appears during
driver installation. Is there any way we can suppress it???

Any links on this from Microsoft will also be of great help.


Usb Protocol wrote:

We have a WDM Driver implemented and corresponding .inf file also, now
we are looking for the way to suppress the pop-up window which appears
during driver installation. Is there any way we can suppress it???

Yes: go through the WHQL testing process and submit it for the logo

That’s the only way to get a completely silent installation.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.


Isn’t it possible to avoid this without WHQL Testing? We are looking
something for a work around till we make it as a product, right now we just
want something for an evaluation copy only.

Whether Microsoft provide anything like this???


On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:

> Usb Protocol wrote:
>> We have a WDM Driver implemented and corresponding .inf file also, now we
>> are looking for the way to suppress the pop-up window which appears during
>> driver installation. Is there any way we can suppress it???
> Yes: go through the WHQL testing process and submit it for the logo
> signature.
> That’s the only way to get a completely silent installation.
> –
> Tim Roberts,
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
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Usb Protocol wrote:

Isn’t it possible to avoid this without WHQL Testing? We are looking
something for a work around till we make it as a product, right now we
just want something for an evaluation copy only.

No. If there was a legitimate way to avoid it, no one would go through
the hassle and expense of getting a WHQL signature.

Whether Microsoft provide anything like this???

Why would they do that? They have nothing to gain.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Usb Protocol wrote:

Isn’t it possible to avoid this without WHQL Testing? We are looking
something for a work around till we make it as a product, right now we
just want something for an evaluation copy only.

Actually, there is an option you can use for testing:

You can submit your driver for a “test signature”. Then, on any machine
that has /testsigning in the boot options, it will install silently.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

On Vista/W2K8 you can install a company Authenticode certificate and tell
the OS to trust it just like a WHQL signature. You sign the inf with your
authenticode certificate.

On W2k3, the options are a little more limited. You can get test
signatures, although as I remeber the legal wording it says you can’t give
test signed drivers to customers, not to mention you need to install the
test root. You also can get WHQL unclassifed signatures, which does require
passing some testing but it’s easier than full WHQL certification. Any
device class can get unclassifed signatures and is then not WHQL certified
but also can do silent install.

There are a variety of XP/W2K3 workarounds that are less than optimal. For
example you have a setup program that looks for the setup dialog and sends
it mouse clicks. As far as I know, ALL of these workarounds require a logged
in administrator.

Actually, on W2k3, if your device is not in one of the WHQL device classes,
you can use authenticode signatures and an installed company root and get
silent install.


[] On Behalf Of Usb Protocol
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 5:36 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] How to suppress a popup window while installing a WDM

Hi All,

We have a WDM Driver implemented and corresponding .inf file also, now we
are looking for the way to suppress the pop-up window which appears during
driver installation. Is there any way we can suppress it???

Any links on this from Microsoft will also be of great help.

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