Hi all,
Few mails, which shows the path into IFS_INTROP, will follow:
-------------------- First reply from Tony Mason, OSR -------------------
E-MAIL: xxxxx@osr.com
The list was established at the request of David Golds at Microsoft and he
controls its distribution. My understanding is that he wants people who
attend the IFS interoperability events to use this list for communicating
with one another.
Thus, if you have a desire to attend the interoperability events and discuss
the happenings, you should contact him directly.
Tony Mason
Consulting Partner
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
----------------- Second reply from David Golds, Microsoft ---------------
E-MAIL: xxxxx@exchange.microsoft.com
Ed will ask you some questions about your product (description, names fo
binaries, contact details for devs etc…)
When you answer them, we should be able to accomodate you.
------------------- Third reply from Edward Baisa, Microsoft ---------------
E-MAIL: xxxxx@exchange.microsoft.com
Hi Pavel-
In order to get on the list, I need the following information from you:
Company Name:
Company Website:
Product Name:
Product Website:
Application Type:
Name of NT4 Kernel Executables:
Name of Win2k Kernel Executables:
Win2k Status (i.e. - beta, RC, etc…):
Dev Names and e-mail addresses:
Business Dev name and e-mail:
Comments on your product: (our product does …)
POC Name:
POC Address:
POC Phone:
POC E-mail:
Do you support clustering?
If Anti-virus, do you support CAB files, and how (scan only, disinfect,
If you could provide this information, I will gladly add you to the list.
Please call if you have any questions.
Edward Baisa
Program Manager - Storage Technologies
Base OS Storage
Microsoft Corporation
--------------------------------- End
Now you know all needed to successfuly subscribe the FS_INTEROP mailing