How to run 8.0/8.1 inftest.exe


The last I ran this was in Win7 (chkinf.bat etc).
Now I see a inftest.exe under …kits/8.x/tools/x64/chkinf/.

I added path of wttlog.dll to path. Then I ran like below

c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Tools\x64\Chkinf>inftest.exe -l “C:\driver\x64\Release\driver.inf”
Inftest is running …
RESULTS: Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Warned: 0 Blocked: 1

Not sure what it is blocked on as no log files are generated.

Please le me know how to run chkinf/inftest.exe.


Try running the tool in a vs developer command promot


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Subject: [ntdev] How to run 8.0/8.1 inftest.exe


The last I ran this was in Win7 (chkinf.bat etc).
Now I see a inftest.exe under …kits/8.x/tools/x64/chkinf/.

I added path of wttlog.dll to path. Then I ran like below

c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Tools\x64\Chkinf>inftest.exe -l “C:\driver\x64\Release\driver.inf”
Inftest is running …
RESULTS: Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Warned: 0 Blocked: 1

Not sure what it is blocked on as no log files are generated.

Please le me know how to run chkinf/inftest.exe.


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For some reason I am getting same o/p result

with VS2013 ultimate preview, WDK 94* with below options

start->VS2k13->developer cmd prompt for vs2k13
native x64 cmd window
VS 2k13 IDE->tools-> Vs cmd prompt

Same with VS2012 ultimate wdk9200 (win8 wdk 9200) with below option

start->VS2k12->developer cmd prompt for vs2k12

Maybe will try x86/amd64 dirs version

same with below
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Tools\x86\ChkInf
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Tools\x86\ChkInf

BTW both the above dirs. have boat load of (*.pm) files (compared to just 1 inftest.exe in x64) wrote:

The last I ran this was in Win7 (chkinf.bat etc).
Now I see a inftest.exe under …kits/8.x/tools/x64/chkinf/.

Through Win 7, chkinf/infchk was a Perl script. That was great, because
you could go read the script to see the details on what had been messed
up. Is it no longer a Perl script? That would be sad.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Yes no longer a perl script.
There is a help file a C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Tools\Docs\Chkinf but it is obsolete (is referring to old files manifest which no longer exist)

Not sure if CHKINF is even working from Win8.

(I have installed the SDK as well.)

Hmmm o.k. had to pass the -p arg as well. Thx.