How to read first physical sector of the Removable Media in Windows 2000 and Windows 9x?

Dear all,
I need to manipulate MBR. I just created a device file, and read one sector from this file. But it didn’t work, the sector is the boot sector of the partition.
Just give me a tip.

what happened when you tried this? Did you get an error? Did you not find the data you expected?

Remember that many pieces of removable media are formatted as large floppies with just a BPB in the first sector rather than with the MBR format.

You could always try using the disk I/O controls for reading and writing the partition table.


From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Kong
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:19 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] How to read first physical sector of the Removable Media in Windows 2000 and Windows 9x?

Dear all,
I need to manipulate MBR. I just created a device file, and read one sector from this file. But it didn’t work, the sector is the boot sector of the partition.
Just give me a tip.