I am using the MSVAD-Simple sample as the base for the creation of an Audio Loopback device. I’m able to create the loopback.
Now I’m trying to control the device from my application.
As pointed out in other threads I have to create a custom KS property and then use IKsControl to sends commands and data from my application.
So as first test I’m trining to call one of the original MSVAD-Simple’s property.
However I’m not able to retrieve a valid IKsControl for any device.
To enumerate the devices I employed this code:
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <dshow.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <devicetopology.h>
#include <functiondiscoverykeys.h>
#include <ks.h>
#pragma comment( lib, “strmiids.lib” )
#define LOG(formatstring, …) _tprintf(formatstring _T(“\n”), VA_ARGS )
int provaEnumerate1()
CComPtr< IBaseFilter > pFilt;
// Create an enumerator.
CComPtr< ICreateDevEnum > pCreateDevEnum;
pCreateDevEnum.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum );
if( !pCreateDevEnum )
return E_FAIL;
// Enumerate the list of audio renderer devices.
CComPtr< IEnumMoniker > pEm;
pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator( CLSID_AudioRendererCategory, &pEm, 0 );
if( !pEm ) {
return E_FAIL;
pEm->Reset( );
while( 1 )
ULONG ulFetched = 0;
CComPtr< IMoniker > pM;
hr = pEm->Next( 1, &pM, &ulFetched );
if( FAILED(hr) || !pM ) break;
// Get the property bag interface from the moniker.
CComPtr< IPropertyBag > pBag;
hr = pM->BindToStorage( 0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void**) &pBag );
if( FAILED(hr) ) continue;
// Go read the friendly name from the property bag.
CComVariant var;
var.vt = VT_BSTR;
hr = pBag->Read( L"FriendlyName", &var, NULL );
if( FAILED(hr) ) continue;
LOG(_T(“%ls”), var.bstrVal );
hr = pM->BindToObject( 0, 0, __uuidof(IBaseFilter), (void**) &pFilt);
//LOG(_T(“%08x %p”), hr, pFilt );
CComPtr ctrl;
hr = pFilt->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IKsControl), (void **)&ctrl);
LOG(_T(“%08x %p”), hr, ctrl );
LOG(_T(“Failed hr = %08x”), hr);
return 0;
My questions are:
1) Can someone provide a sample code for obtaining a valid IKsControl for the MSVAD simple driver?
2) Given the IKsControl how can I Send/Retrieve data from the driver?</ks.h></functiondiscoverykeys.h></devicetopology.h></mmdeviceapi.h></dshow.h></atlbase.h>