How to mirror a file/folder of web?

Hi, I want to mirror a file/folder of web, similar to WebDAV.

When application read a file, my minifilter will download real content from web, and put it into target file to let read go on.
But I can’t do this in PreCreatFileCallback because it’s too early and does not satisfy requirement.
Besides, my web server doesn’t support WebDAV, so I have to use a minifilter to achieve it.

One idea is that, at the timing of PreCreatFileCallback, I create a fake file with the same size of web file. Then, at the timing of PreReadFileCallback, I download the real content(with accurate offset and length) and write it into target file to let read go on.

I am afraid at the timing of PreReadFileCallback, I possibly have no write access right to put content into target file.
Could any one please give me suggestion?

Probably you need an RDBSS-based redirector and not a minifilter.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi, I want to mirror a file/folder of web, similar to WebDAV.
> When application read a file, my minifilter will download real content from web, and put it into target file to let read go on.
> But I can’t do this in PreCreatFileCallback because it’s too early and does not satisfy requirement.
> Besides, my web server doesn’t support WebDAV, so I have to use a minifilter to achieve it.
> One idea is that, at the timing of PreCreatFileCallback, I create a fake file with the same size of web file. Then, at the timing of PreReadFileCallback, I download the real content(with accurate offset and length) and write it into target file to let read go on.
> I am afraid at the timing of PreReadFileCallback, I possibly have no write access right to put content into target file.
> Could any one please give me suggestion?
> Thanks.