How to intercept (notify) Symbolic Link access?

Is it possible to intercept (notify) Symbolic Links reading?

My goal is controlling the device opening attempts (CreateFile(),
ZwCreateFile() etc.)…

PS. I do not write virus.
I’m working for protection system… :slight_smile:

no you can’t.

Why would intercepting symbolic links help you? Anyone can bypass a symlink if the know the underlying object name, so you would still need to try and intercept at the NT object level as well.


From: on behalf of Grabelkovsky, Michael
Sent: Thu 6/29/2006 2:03 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] How to intercept (notify) Symbolic Link access?

Is it possible to intercept (notify) Symbolic Links reading?

My goal is controlling the device opening attempts (CreateFile(),
ZwCreateFile() etc.)…

PS. I do not write virus.
I’m working for protection system… :slight_smile:

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