How to intall drivers quickly in WinMe

I develop a WDM driver. Is it possible to install drivers which didn’t have
WHQL certificate quickly in WinMe. Driver install procedure takes for about
20min it is unbearable. I guess if driver doesn’t have a certificate windows
will install it after checking all of its drivers database. Is there any way to
avoid this long procedure ?
Thank you very much.

Hmm, there is this little E.T. inside your machine that likes to phone
home.( somewhere near :slight_smile:

If you disable all Network Access while installing it might be faster.

Would be nice if one could somehow suppress this online search for new
drivers! Concerning SetupDI* I found no hint how to handle a
installation locally only.

“You become successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile
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20min it is unbearable. I guess if driver doesn’t have a certificate windows
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