How to get the DWORD-alignmented physical address for DMA?

Dear all:
How do I get the DWORD-aligmented physical address? My hardware support DWORD alignmented address only. How should I do?

A general approach would be to allocate a slightly larger buffer, then
calculate a -aligned offset within the buffer.

However, I think (not sure though), that an alignment of 2, 4 or 8
bytes comes at no price, because any “allocation” routine (be it a libc
malloc() or a kernel mode DMA_OPERATIONS::AllocateCommonBuffer) will
return you an address aligned to the largest basic C type, which is 8 bytes. wrote:
> Dear all:
> How do I get the DWORD-aligmented physical address? My hardware support DWORD alignmented address only. How should I do?
> —
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