How to get checked build version of latest storport driver


I downloaded the latest storport.sys for windows 2003 SP1 which supports
virtual miniport. I set the debug variable using the command ed
nt!kd_STORMINIPORT_mask oxf. I am not seeing any debug messages in WinDbg. I
need checked build version of this driver since I am developing Virtual
Miniport. How to get one?


The only way I know to get the checked build of any os in-box component is
to extract it from the checked build distribution media. That said,
obtaining the checked build distribution media for service pack releases is
not always possible and is rarely easy. Search the msdn archive.

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 3:16 AM, sachithanandam karthikselvan <> wrote:


I downloaded the latest storport.sys for windows 2003 SP1 which supports
virtual miniport. I set the debug variable using the command ed
nt!kd_STORMINIPORT_mask oxf. I am not seeing any debug messages in WinDbg. I
need checked build version of this driver since I am developing Virtual
Miniport. How to get one?

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Mark Roddy