How to disable "Uninstall" button of Protocol driver in NetworkConnections property


I have a Protocol Driver (NDIS6x). I need to disable the “Uninstall” Button in the Netrwork conenction for it.

Can I do this ?

  1. Through the INFs’ :slight_smile:
  2. Do I have to have a Notify Object ?

I guessI cannot do this programatically inside the Protocol driver, because I do not know where the ProtocolUnBindAdapater()/ProtocolUnload/ProtocolUninstall() are coming from ? (Installer, Device Manager Pnp, Network Conenctions etc).

I need to block this becuase my driver hosts 2 objects - my protocol driver and a virtual bus driver.

Please let me know.


More points

  1. I noticed TCp/IP has that “uninstall button” already greyed out. I want that functionality
  2. My protocol already has that checkbox in Network Connections greyed out through NObject

So how would the user uninstall your protocol, if desired?


They could uninstall my virual bus driver (which hosts the protocol driver also). Since all these are confusing to user, we recomemnd/sugegst to use installer we provided for all the purposes. I tell them in user guide to use the Installer we provided i.e. do a pakcage install/uninstall/upgarde etc.

I want to see if there is any way to achieve what TCPip.sys has, else see if the suggestion to document ‘not to muck with the protocol in Network Connections even though it is avaible there etc’ flies.

Search for NCF_HIDDEN in the WDK help file.

Thomas F. Divine

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 8:13 PM
To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
Subject: RE:[ntdev] How to disable “Uninstall” button of Protocol driver in
NetworkConnections property

> Hi
> They could uninstall my virual bus driver (which hosts the protocol driver
> also). Since all these are confusing to user, we recomemnd/sugegst to use
> installer we provided for all the purposes. I tell them in user guide to
> use the Installer we provided i.e. do a pakcage install/uninstall/upgarde
> etc.
> I want to see if there is any way to achieve what TCPip.sys has, else see
> if the suggestion to document ‘not to muck with the protocol in Network
> Connections even though it is avaible there etc’ flies.
> —
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Thanks Dave. That works.
Also looked at TCP/IP inf, it has similar thing.

; TCPIP has properties to display
Characteristics = 0xA0 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_NOT_USER_REMOVABLE
AddReg = Registry.MS_TCPIP.PrimaryInstall, Registry.MS_TCPIP, Registry.MS_TCPIP.Legacy