*** How to connect to Remote Registry and modify HKLM Keys ? ***


I want to access remote registry to modify some of the settings in HKLM\Software key. From MSDN and other resources it appears that when Remote Registry service is running on remote machine, RegConnectRegistry API allows to open to registry keys on that machine.

This seems to be security breach, however this is what is intended fucntionality.;-(

I try to open HKLM\Software key using APIs like RegConnectRegistry and RegOpenKeyEx, it gives erroe as Access denied. I have tried using regedit.exe to connect to registry on other machine, however when HKLM key is accessed it gives error.

Is their any way by to connect to remote registry and access keys under HKLM\Software, may be having admin rights and more privildges?
Is this techically feasible? Any issues with XP / 2003 systems ?

Thanks & regards,

Does the account calling RegConnectRegistry also exist on the target
machine and have the necessary rights to modify the registry?

I doubt that the remote registry service just lets anyone connect and
modify the registry. It very likely attempts to impersonate the caller
on the target machine and attempts to modify the registry under that
security token.


From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Rajesh Nikam
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:07 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] *** How to connect to Remote Registry and modify HKLM
Keys ? ***


I want to access remote registry to modify some of the settings in
HKLM\Software key. From MSDN and other resources it appears that when
Remote Registry service is running on remote machine, RegConnectRegistry
API allows to open to registry keys on that machine.

This seems to be security breach, however this is what is intended

I try to open HKLM\Software key using APIs like RegConnectRegistry and
RegOpenKeyEx, it gives erroe as Access denied. I have tried using
regedit.exe to connect to registry on other machine, however when HKLM
key is accessed it gives error.

Is their any way by to connect to remote registry and access keys under
HKLM\Software, may be having admin rights and more privildges?
Is this techically feasible? Any issues with XP / 2003 systems ?

Thanks & regards,

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

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This is possible, and it is not a security breach. It looks as if there are
some permission issues at your end.

From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Rajesh Nikam
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:37 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] *** How to connect to Remote Registry and modify HKLM Keys
? ***


I want to access remote registry to modify some of the settings in
HKLM\Software key. From MSDN and other resources it appears that when Remote
Registry service is running on remote machine, RegConnectRegistry API allows
to open to registry keys on that machine.

This seems to be security breach, however this is what is intended

I try to open HKLM\Software key using APIs like RegConnectRegistry and
RegOpenKeyEx, it gives erroe as Access denied. I have tried using
regedit.exe to connect to registry on other machine, however when HKLM key
is accessed it gives error.

Is their any way by to connect to remote registry and access keys under
HKLM\Software, may be having admin rights and more privildges?
Is this techically feasible? Any issues with XP / 2003 systems ?

Thanks & regards,

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

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