how to confirm the completion of the enumeration of all devices on scsi bus.

Hello All,

I am writing a program to to install MPIO DSMs driver.
In this program after installation of MPIO bus driver and device specific
module, I have started enumeration of devices attached to scsi bus.
So my query is, how do i know the enumeration completion status all devices
available on scsi bus.
Is there any callback available by which i can confirm the completion of the
enumeration of all devices.


Pravin G

pravin gawale wrote:

I am writing a program to to install MPIO DSMs driver.
In this program after installation of MPIO bus driver and device
specific module, I have started enumeration of devices attached to scsi bus.
So my query is, how do i know the enumeration completion status all
devices available on scsi bus.
Is there any callback available by which i can confirm the completion of
the enumeration of all devices.

Is there some reason why you can’t base your program on the sample
DSM/MPIO installer which Microsoft supply as part of the MPIO kit?

Didn’t we just have this discussion? There is no 100% reliable solution. You
can assume a static configuration starting point, inventory what is on the
scsi busses of interest, and then proceed with your installation and wait
until all of the previously inventoried devices are accounted for.

Mark Roddy

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 3:41 AM, pravin gawale <> wrote:

Hello All,

I am writing a program to to install MPIO DSMs driver.
In this program after installation of MPIO bus driver and device specific
module, I have started enumeration of devices attached to scsi bus.
So my query is, how do i know the enumeration completion status all
devices available on scsi bus.
Is there any callback available by which i can confirm the completion of
the enumeration of all devices.


Pravin G

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