How to communicate wih application in the dispatch routine?

I want to communicate with user application in the dispatch routine and wait in the dispatch routine until the user application’s some job is complete.

but I can’t use the mutex on the dispatch routine which is controlled by user application
because dispatch routine’s running level is to high…
Is there any method for waiting the user app’s signal on the dispatch routine?

>I want to communicate with user application in the dispatch routine and wait in the dispatch routine

You cannot wait at DISPATCH_LEVEL.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

What problem are you trying to solve by that?

Even if you could wait, that is a bad idea. Waiting leaves your driver susceptible to app bugs. You should inform the app and then have the app send another Io indicating it is done.


From: xxxxx@daum.netmailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?12/?17/?2012 11:23 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] How to communicate wih application in the dispatch routine?

I want to communicate with user application in the dispatch routine and wait in the dispatch routine until the user application’s some job is complete.

but I can’t use the mutex on the dispatch routine which is controlled by user application
because dispatch routine’s running level is to high…
Is there any method for waiting the user app’s signal on the dispatch routine?

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My first reaction is that there is something wrong with your design. The
actions you describe should not be necessary. Reconsider your design.

I want to communicate with user application in the dispatch routine and
wait in the dispatch routine until the user application’s some job is

but I can’t use the mutex on the dispatch routine which is controlled by
user application
because dispatch routine’s running level is to high…
Is there any method for waiting the user app’s signal on the dispatch

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