How to add DeviceInterfaceGUID in OS descriptors when loading Winusb drivers

I am trying to add a DeviceInterfaceGUID to enumerate the device in the OS descriptors. Can you please guide me how to do so..

Hmmm…. WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface?

If I understand Varun's scenario correctly, it is WinUSB.sys who will call WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface, according to the Windows feature described here: Registering a device interface GUID

And regarding the "Extended Properties OS Feature Descriptor" that is mentionend there, the place to start is the Microsoft OS 1.0 Descriptors Specification

(It seems like this question is about device firmware rather than device drivers.)

Exactly. If you have filled in the OS extended descriptors correctly, the driver stack will create the interface for you. Do you have evidence that is not occurring? Have you tried to attach to the device in user mode?

Yes it is for the device firmware..
I tried to add the DeviceInterfaceGUID in "Extended Properties OS Feature Descriptor" but i am not able to see it in the registry

Well, it is a bit tricky and you need to have everything correct. Check this: Microsoft OS String Descriptor

The important part is Windows makes the check once and then stores info about the results in the registry. So if you connect your device before you have MSOS descriptor fully working, Windows will remember it and never ask again. The cure it manual deletion of the registry key (under usbflags) for your device.

For debugging I'd recommend USB analyzer. Disconnect your device, delete the above registry key, start capture and reconnect your device. You should see the protocol asking for 0xEE string and then for descriptors. It can be visible when and maybe why it fails.

You can also try xusb tool from above mentioned page, it seems it could help with checking your descriptors (never tried it).

Your descriptors have to be perfectly correct, especially all length fields. It is very easy to make a mistake there. OTOH once it is done it is working great, one of the best things MS did for USB devices.