Tried to compile/build a project to perform ext2/3/4 filesystem accession on Windows
The third part of it (denoted by prefix: 3> ) is the WDK, the Windows' DDK (Driver Development Kit) based build
So then use MS Visual Studio 2022 into which the project is upgraded (its .sln, .vcproj files) afterward and build it:
3>OSR DDKBUILD.CMD V7.4/r43 (2009-11-12) - OSR, Open Systems Resources, Inc.
3>The system cannot find the path specified.
3>DDKBLD: W7XP (free) using the Windows 7/Windows 2008 Server R2 DDK and %W7BASE%
3>DDKBLD: Directory: C:\Users\abdu\Downloads\ext2fsd\Ext3Fsd + argument(s): -cZ
3>DDKBLD: W7BASE: C:\WINDDK\7600.16385.1
3>DDKBLD: Run build -M -Ze -cZ for free version in .
3>'build' is not recognized as an internal or external command
So now simply ask help how to correct this build up to error free.
Thanks before.