How can i get the int13 number for an IDE device?

How can i get the int13 number for an IDE device? say i have a device
connected as Primary Master/ Secondary slave or any of the 4 possible
combinations … i want to know the INT13 number of that device…so that i
can use some of the BIOS functions … say like getting the drive letters
associated … or read data …

Thanks in Advance


> combinations … i want to know the INT13 number of that device…so that i

can use some of the BIOS functions … say like getting the drive letters
associated … or read data …

You cannot use int13 BIOS functions from NT kernel. Forget about it.
Use NT’s disk driver stack instead.


I assume you are doing this in DOS. I think there is an Int 21h function to
get this, actually as part of someother significant data structure. Dont you
trust the value in boot sector. My method used to be, read all partition
entries from each physical drive and store them away. Then assign drive
letters the way DOS does. But this is not going to work in NT.


----- Original Message -----
To: “File Systems Developers”
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 1:55 AM
Subject: [ntfsd] How can i get the int13 number for an IDE device?

> How can i get the int13 number for an IDE device? say i have a device
> connected as Primary Master/ Secondary slave or any of the 4 possible
> combinations … i want to know the INT13 number of that device…so that i
> can use some of the BIOS functions … say like getting the drive letters
> associated … or read data …
> Thanks in Advance
> Anish
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