How can a virtual port driver support hibernate?

Hello all,

I have design a virtual port dirver to implement a RAID. The lower level driver of this virtual port driver is SATA port driver. OS can boot from the RAID and it can sleep currectly. But OS can not hibernate. I do not know what to do further to let the virtual port dirver support hibernate.

Someone kindly tell me that I should let OS know the my driver was on hibernate path, but till now I can not do that. DDK document tell me nothing about that.

Help me! Thanks very much.

How can it be a ‘virtual’ port driver to implement RAID? I thought RAID was
usually handled in hardware for enterprise class storage, but usually as a
filter above the storage drivers for software RAID.

The answer to your question is that you have to contact Microsoft and obtain
access to what you need since the dump and hibernate storage drivers are not
documented. AFAIK it is not generally available except to a select few.

David J. Craig
Engineer, Sr. Staff Software Systems
Broadcom Corporation

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hello all,
> I have design a virtual port dirver to implement a RAID. The lower level
> driver of this virtual port driver is SATA port driver. OS can boot from
> the RAID and it can sleep currectly. But OS can not hibernate. I do not
> know what to do further to let the virtual port dirver support hibernate.
> Someone kindly tell me that I should let OS know the my driver was on
> hibernate path, but till now I can not do that. DDK document tell me
> nothing about that.
> Help me! Thanks very much.

The DDK documentation doesn’t tell you anything about “virtual port drivers” or any other kind of port driver. These are not supported by MS and are not eligible for logo. Only miniport drivers (which are documented) are supported by MS. Others may have reverse engineered scsiport with NO help from MS, but such drivers do not get logoed and MS doesn’t support customers who use them. The port/class driver interface has always been subject to change without notice.

-----Original Message-----
From: David J. Craig []
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: How can a virtual port driver support hibernate?

How can it be a ‘virtual’ port driver to implement RAID? I thought RAID was
usually handled in hardware for enterprise class storage, but usually as a
filter above the storage drivers for software RAID.

The answer to your question is that you have to contact Microsoft and obtain
access to what you need since the dump and hibernate storage drivers are not
documented. AFAIK it is not generally available except to a select few.

David J. Craig
Engineer, Sr. Staff Software Systems
Broadcom Corporation

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hello all,
> I have design a virtual port dirver to implement a RAID. The lower level
> driver of this virtual port driver is SATA port driver. OS can boot from
> the RAID and it can sleep currectly. But OS can not hibernate. I do not
> know what to do further to let the virtual port dirver support hibernate.
> Someone kindly tell me that I should let OS know the my driver was on
> hibernate path, but till now I can not do that. DDK document tell me
> nothing about that.
> Help me! Thanks very much.

when you request for hiberanting the system. It will go in specific system state and before that you will get notification like system querring for hibernate. So you can use that flag to handle your hibernate problem in RAID.

You will not get much help from DDK regarding system state and device state handling.