Hello all,
I am using MSVAD for writing a virtual audio driver . I need some help regarding volume control . I have been struck on this for sometime now .:

Since this being a virtual audio device , volume range etc not as important so I have given a 32 bit value as per the requirement.

I have altered the code as sizeof(KSNODEPROPERTY_AUDIO_CHANNEL) - sizeof(KSNODEPROPERTY) so ValidatePropertyParams is returning Success still I am not able to get the volume slider in the control panel sound devices .

I have initialed m_VolumeControls array to the lower limit value in the MixerReset() is it ok ?

Since Get,Set and BasicSupport are handled , shouldn’t we get atleast a volume slider ? Or do we need to do more for that to happen?

Please guide me on how to go about this.

Thanks and regards,

Hello all ,
I am not getting calls for Set at all even the KSSTUDIO is reporting the same , could that be a reason why I am not getting the volume slider ?
Any pointers on the issue will be greatly appreciated .
