HELP! free build disaster

I have a file system driver that worked fine even under stress, but it
was checked build. When I switched to free build the file system
driver stops working and even the utility programs don’t work.
If I set MSC_OPTIMIZATION to /Og-; thereby turning off global
optimization then everything works fine or If I don’t use STDCALL and
go for __cdecl forcing /Gd option then the utility programs run fine. I
couldn’t force /Gd on kernel mode driver as it fails during linking
phase in importing library routines from ntoskrnl. I am using
Microsoft visual C++ 4.1. Tried with 5.0 also & have the same problem.

The problem I see on kernel mode driver is that the register value of
%esi is not being restored by the called routine. So the caller dies as
soon as the function call returns.
help needed…

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> The problem I see on kernel mode driver is that the register value of

%esi is not being restored by the called routine. So the caller dies as
soon as the function call returns.

Use pragmas to prevent the optimization of the problematic function.
