HCK and WFP problems with AppContainers_Test test

Hi everyone

This is my first message to osr list. I am working in a certification for
my wfp driver but I have some problems to pass HCK test.

Hardware Certification Kit last version, it’s updated
HCK client: Windows 8 x64

Test AppContainers_Test

  • *ArchitecturalDesign.AppContainers.SupportModernApplications*

Failing subtests:

Test description: Traffic test variation 1

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Test description: Traffic test variation 4

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Test description: Traffic test variation 18

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Test description: Traffic test variation 19

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Test description: Traffic test variation 20

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Test description: Traffic test variation 33

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Test description: Traffic test variation 36

Result: Fail. Traffic was not blocked.

Total test: 39

Total passed: 32

Total test failed: 7

Any idea?
I don’t find more information how to fix this problem.


Wrong list, this list is for file system and file system filter development. Try NTDEV.

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