HalAssignSlotResources and uhci usb controller


Os: Winnt 4
SP 5 on dual cpu station
SP6 on laptop.

I have some strange problem with HalAssignSlotResources and uhci controller.
This code in DriverEntry :

status = HalAssignSlotResources(reg_path, NULL, driver, NULL, PCIBus, bus,
slot, &res);

is BSOD then bus and slot point on usb uhci controller and work fine on
other pci devices.

I found on Microsoft site that there is a problem with uhci controller and
on smp computers :

But it’s crashes not only on smp i got blue screen on may laptop running
single cpu too.
So it’s seems like HalAssignSlotResources have a problem with uhci
controller on any computers.
In results i can’t connect interrupt for uhci on some computer. On most
computers it’s work without
HalAssignSlotResources i just use values form PCI configuration space but
in some situation
HalGetInterruptVector returns 0 and as i know this can be solved by using
At this point i stuck.

Is somebody meet such problem? Any workaround ?
Somebody from Microsoft to clear up :
"On i840 symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) computers with multiple PCI buses
and AGP ports,
a HalAssignSlotResources call may not assign resources for a Universal
Host Controller Interface
(UHCI) USB host controller. "

I can live with “May not assign” but BSOD is kind of problem. Any why this
description meet my problem
only partly and i’m not sure that it’s relevant’

Regards Ilya.