With respect to UMDF driver how to get WPP Traces across boots. RIght now i am using the Traceview.exe including real time and Logging to file but traces of D0exit is missing in the logfile.
As Traceview.exe is going to die while going for a logoff or restart so the etl file will not be having the traces of D0Exit…
So can any one suggest me a way to get the traces across system boots, only way i am aware of is using windbg as a remote debugger as we do for kernel mode drivers…
Can any one suggest me a better way…
Thanks & Regards,
Have you searched msdn for information on enabling wpp logging at boot? Trace view just uses the underlying os tracing infrastructure. You can do the same
On Sep 12, 2011, at 8:36 AM, “xxxxx@gmail.com” wrote:
> Hi,
> With respect to UMDF driver how to get WPP Traces across boots. RIght now i am using the Traceview.exe including real time and Logging to file but traces of D0exit is missing in the logfile.
> As Traceview.exe is going to die while going for a logoff or restart so the etl file will not be having the traces of D0Exit…
> So can any one suggest me a way to get the traces across system boots, only way i am aware of is using windbg as a remote debugger as we do for kernel mode drivers…
> Can any one suggest me a better way…
> Thanks & Regards,
> krishna.
> —
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The global logger might work. Look up WPP_GLOBALLOGGER in the WDK
Bill Wandel
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:33 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Getting WPP Traces Across system Boots
With respect to UMDF driver how to get WPP Traces across boots. RIght now
i am using the Traceview.exe including real time and Logging to file but
traces of D0exit is missing in the logfile.
As Traceview.exe is going to die while going for a logoff or restart so the
etl file will not be having the traces of D0Exit…
So can any one suggest me a way to get the traces across system boots, only
way i am aware of is using windbg as a remote debugger as we do for kernel
mode drivers…
Can any one suggest me a better way…
Thanks & Regards,
NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
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I have investigated a bit and i have found this ms doc entry, surely
there is a way to configure that registry keys using traceview or
another ms tool.
In the worst case you can try to configure them manually :(.
I’ve been working on an easy to use ETW/WPP alternative to TraceView.
This is a nice feature and I will try to include it in the next
On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 11:33 -0400, xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:
With respect to UMDF driver how to get WPP Traces across boots. RIght now i am using the Traceview.exe including real time and Logging to file but traces of D0exit is missing in the logfile.
As Traceview.exe is going to die while going for a logoff or restart so the etl file will not be having the traces of D0Exit…
So can any one suggest me a way to get the traces across system boots, only way i am aware of is using windbg as a remote debugger as we do for kernel mode drivers…
Can any one suggest me a better way…
Thanks & Regards,
NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
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And to think that TraceView was designed to be an easy to use ETW/WPP alternative to, er, whatever those horrible console-mode tools were
Times change, eh?
It’s not the user interface the gives me problems, frankly… it’s the hideous WPP implementation and how it varies from version to version of the OS.
There is another way to do it that doesn’t involve manually configurating registry values. Logman.exe is the secret trick. Read this blog (particularly the last few paragraphs):