Getting the size of a volume on Win2k


I want to know the size of the different volumes present on the computer.
These volumes may be formatted/unformatted.

I tried using GetFileSize, but it comes back with an error
"87 The parameter is incorrect. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER "

I also tried GetFileInformationByHandle, but got back the same error.

I can read from the drive, which means my file handle is valid.

Below is a clipping from the MSDN documenation

You cannot use the GetFileSize function with a handle of a nonseeking device
such as a pipe or a communications device. To determine the file type for
hFile, use the GetFileType function.

The above condition cannot be applied to my case as I reading of the hard

Any information regarding this problem, will be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Have you tried GetDiskFreeSpace? I haven’t, but it seems a likely choice
(it returns the size along with the free space)

-----Original Message-----
From: Parag Chakraborty []
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 5:20 PM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Getting the size of a volume on Win2k


I want to know the size of the different volumes present on the computer.
These volumes may be formatted/unformatted.

I tried using GetFileSize, but it comes back with an error
"87 The parameter is incorrect. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER "

I also tried GetFileInformationByHandle, but got back the same error.

I can read from the drive, which means my file handle is valid.

Below is a clipping from the MSDN documenation

You cannot use the GetFileSize function with a handle of a nonseeking device
such as a pipe or a communications device. To determine the file type for
hFile, use the GetFileType function.

The above condition cannot be applied to my case as I reading of the hard

Any information regarding this problem, will be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

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> I want to know the size of the different volumes present on the computer.

These volumes may be formatted/unformatted.

I tried using GetFileSize, but it comes back with an error
"87 The parameter is incorrect. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER "

I also tried GetFileInformationByHandle, but got back the same error.

Try GetVolumeInformation.
