getting owner thread id of fastmutex

hello ,

im using fast mutex to guard my global buffer which will be accessed from few functions and threads.

there are cases where the mutex locked and not released. From FAST_MUTEX structure i see that there is a variable ‘owner’ but it is a PKTHREAD.

typedef struct _FAST_MUTEX {
volatile LONG Count;
ULONG Contention;
ULONG OldIrql;

my question is how can i get the thread ID from PKTRHREAD


Did you try expanding on kthread and related ethread; there has to be a tid some where in them. IIRC both PID and TID were there in some sub structure.

It’s in the _CLIENT_ID structure of the ETHREAD. But of course don’t use it because thisis an opaque structure that varies between plaforms. Instead use the PsGetThreadId function.

Going by the description in original post; I think he will be needing this for trouble shooting. Well at least I thought so.

>my question is how can i get the thread ID from PKTRHREAD

Why a pointer to the thread is not sufficient and why do you need the thread
ID ? If you treat the pointer as an ID what difference does that make to you
? Do you only care about what process the thread belongs to ?


I think we have lost track of the original goal, which is to discover what
thread is holding a fast mutex and failing to release it.

>my question is how can i get the thread ID from PKTRHREAD

Why a pointer to the thread is not sufficient and why do you need the
ID ? If you treat the pointer as an ID what difference does that make to
? Do you only care about what process the thread belongs to ?


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If this is just for debugging purposes and you’re after a quick way to get the thread ID outside the debugger, you can get the offset into the PETHREAD structure by looking at how PsGetCurrentThreadId does it

kd> !thread
THREAD fffffa800cd39b60 Cid 0004.0038 Teb: 0000000000000000 Win32Thread:

kd> u nt!PSGetCurrentThreadID
fffff8000286609c 65488b042588010000 mov rax,qword ptr gs:[188h] fffff800028660a5 488b80b8030000 mov rax,qword ptr [rax+3B8h]
fffff800`028660ac c3 ret

kd> dq fffffa800cd39b60+3b8 L1
fffffa800cd39f18 0000000000000038