Get WPP log when the BSOD

Hi All,

I have a driver that generates wpp log. The QA can repro the BSOD but dev can’t. We would like to get the WPP using the logman.exe. But after the BSOD happens and rebooting, the etl file is 0K. The command line of the logman is as below:

logman start mylogger -p {0FF86E24-DC60-4AD4-9237-CFA2B3A40016} 0x800 5 -o d:\mylogger.etl -ets

According to the msdn, the command line of the logman -fd seems to flush the data to the disk. Can I use it. Does anyone know how i can get the log when BSOD happens? We can’t use the debugger because the device deoesn’t have the serial port and usb cable.


Capture a full dump and use the wmi debugger commands against the dump file to see the in memory log


Bent from my phone

From: xxxxx@hotmail.commailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?9/?29/?2013 4:17 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] Get WPP log when the BSOD

Hi All,

I have a driver that generates wpp log. The QA can repro the BSOD but dev can’t. We would like to get the WPP using the logman.exe. But after the BSOD happens and rebooting, the etl file is 0K. The command line of the logman is as below:

logman start mylogger -p {0FF86E24-DC60-4AD4-9237-CFA2B3A40016} 0x800 5 -o d:\mylogger.etl -ets

According to the msdn, the command line of the logman -fd seems to flush the data to the disk. Can I use it. Does anyone know how i can get the log when BSOD happens? We can’t use the debugger because the device deoesn’t have the serial port and usb cable.


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>use it. Does anyone know how i can get the log when BSOD happens?

Why not analyze the BSOD dump?

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage