General FSD Question:: Creation of FCB/DCBs ..

Hi All

I want to know how exactly the File systems creates the FCB/DCBs
and when. I saw the code of FASTFAT file system, I wonder when exactly
the File system reads the data from the disk? and creates the DIRENT
from which it goes on creating FCBS.DCBs. For example… Whenever a
DIRECTORY CONTROL comes to the driver it calls the LocateDIrent function
in which it only reads from the cache and locates it…but I am really
confused of when it reads the data from the disk device.

Any help would be greatly appreciated…plz direct me to some articles /
links thru which I can understand this better.

–thanking you


General FSD Question:: Creation of FCB/DCBs …> Whenever a DIRECTORY CONTROL comes to the driver

it calls the LocateDIrent function in which it only reads
from the cache and locates it…

This is it. If the FSD reads from the cache, the cache
loads the sectors from the disk (by issuing IRP_MJ_READ
request with IRP_NOCACHE).
