Fwd: Address translation from user mode to kernel mode (via deviceiocontrol).

Sorry for the spam guys, but if anyone can recommend a good text for
absolute beginners can you let me know?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chuckles
Date: Oct 14, 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: Address translation from user mode to kernel mode (via
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List

Hi Everyone,
When I pass the address of a variable through a DeviceIOControl input or
putput parameter the address of the variable seems to be changed to point
within kernel space. Is this correct? Why is this necessary? I’ve noticed
this with ordinary variables and with double pointers, when double pointers
are passed through DeviceIOControl they seem to become unuseable, the memory
the array of pointers is pointing to does not seem to be allocated anymore.
Can someone explain what is happening or maybe point(!) me to appropriate
reading on the subject? I’ve looked through ddk docs but haven’t found
anything yet.

Thanks everyone.

Walter Oney’s book is OK.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation

“Cathal Mullaney” wrote in message
> Hi Arlie,
> Can you recommend a book on Driver development in Windows for absolute
> beginners? There are a lot out on the market but if you could recommend one
> in particular I’d be very grateful.
> Kind Regards,
> Cathal Mullaney
> (PS Sorry for not posting to the ntdev list with this query, hope that is
> alright.)
> On 10/14/06, Arlie Davis wrote:
> >
> > There are a lot of serious problems associated with passing user-mode
> > pointers into kernel-mode components. And these problems apply to nearly
> > all current OS platforms, not just NT.
> >
> > First, consider all the potential problems that would exist if user-mode
> > processes simply passed pointers to kernel-mode drivers. Every kernel-mode
> > driver would have to implement its own buffer verification – which means
> > that 95% of them would either not do it at all, or would simply get it
> > wrong. The Windows kernel simplifies this by allocating kernel memory
> > (pool) for each I/O control request, if the request is marked “buffered”,
> > and handles shuttling data back and forth. The kernel handles validating
> > addresses and buffer bounds, copying the data, freeing the memory,
> > etc. This allows device-driver developers to focus on the logic of the
> > device, not the details of getting memory safety & security correct. And
> > before you complain that it’s slow – it isn’t, in most cases, or at least
> > it is far from the bottleneck in most driver designs.
> >
> > And when it is too slow, your driver can choose to use either “direct”
> > memory access, which uses Memory Descriptor Lists (MDLs) to lock down and
> > identify user-mode buffers, or it can use totally raw user-mode
> > pointers. MDLs are structures that the kernel uses to describe locked-down
> > user-mode buffers; the most common use for MDLs is to set up DMA transfers
> > with drivers. (MDLs contain the locked-down physical page addresses of the
> > virtual range.)
> >
> > Raw user-mode pointers are the most dangerous and difficult transfer mode
> > to get right, and they should only be used in situations where you have
> > proved to yourself that the performance of the buffered and direct
> > is inadequate.
> >
> > Consider all those problems, all over again, when dealing with user-mode
> > memory that itself contains pointers. The driver must handle locking down
> > and validating every pointer that it deals with. And just because the
> > driver read value V1 at time T1, doesn’t mean that the driver can’t read
> > value V2 at time T2 from the same location. This provides a huge hole for
> > security exploits coming from user-mode components, unless the driver
> > developer is extremely cautious, experienced, and willing to spend (waste?)
> > time on this topic.
> >
> > In general, you should work hard to avoid such designs – they are
> > excruciatingly difficult to get right. In every single case that I’ve
> > the better design was to consider what data you wanted to move from the app
> > to the driver, and from the driver to the app, and to design a serialized
> > data format that fits in the InputBuffer and OutputBuffer arguments of the
> > DeviceIoControl call. Also, instead of using pointers, use integer offsets
> > within the buffer.
> >
> > Another problem with exchanging pointers between driver and app occurs
> > when you consider 64-bit platforms. On 64-bit platforms, drivers must be
> > 64-bit; the kernel will simply not load 32-bit drivers. But the OS
> > both 32-bit and 64-bit apps. There’s a lot of jiggery-pokery behind the
> > scenes to make this work, and luckily your driver can ignore the difference
> > 99% of the time. But if you’re passing pointers between your driver and
> > app, you do have to deal with it, and it’s never fun.
> >
> > Yet another problem is dealing with user-mode addresses in device drivers,
> > when the device driver code is running in an arbitrary thread/process
> > context. There was just a big discussion here about what “arbitrary”
> > means. The short explanation is that, during certain code paths, your
> > driver code is not guaranteed to be running in the same process as it was
> > when a request started. Since a different process may be loaded, the
> > interpretation of a user-mode pointer means something totally different.
> > dereferencing that pointer can get you into some big trouble.
> >
> > Correctness and security are very difficult to get right if your driver is
> > dealing with user-mode addresses. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but
> > especially difficult to get right for people who are new to developing
> > drivers on a new platform, and that’s true regardless of which platform
> > you’re dealing with. And there’s usually not even a good reason to do
> > it. The only reason that consistently comes up is performance, and until
> > you’ve measured and proved that buffered I/O or direct I/O is your
> > bottleneck, you’ve probably got bigger perf problems elsewhere.
> >
> > If you want to learn more about this, there are a lot of “Intro to Windows
> > Drivers” type books on the market. They might not focus specifically on
> > this detail, but with some reading, and serious thinking, you can prove to
> > yourself how dangerous user-mode pointers are.
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com [xxxxx@lists.osr.com]
> > On Behalf Of xxxxx@lists.osr.com [
> > xxxxx@lists.osr.com]
> > Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:27 AM
> > To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
> > Subject: [ntdev] Address translation from user mode to kernel mode (via
> > deviceiocontrol).
> >
> > Hi Everyone,
> > When I pass the address of a variable through a DeviceIOControl input
> > or putput parameter the address of the variable seems to be changed to
> > within kernel space. Is this correct? Why is this necessary? I’ve noticed
> > this with ordinary variables and with double pointers, when double pointers
> > are passed through DeviceIOControl they seem to become unuseable, the
> > the array of pointers is pointing to does not seem to be allocated anymore.
> > Can someone explain what is happening or maybe point(!) me to appropriate
> > reading on the subject? I’ve looked through ddk docs but haven’t found
> > anything yet.
> >
> > Thanks everyone.
> > — Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
> > http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256 To unsubscribe, visit the List
> > Server section of OSR Online at
> > http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer
> >
> > —
> > Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
> > http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256
> >
> > To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
> > http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer
> >

Basically, all user-mode addresses are still valid, as long as you access them in context of the target application. However, this may not always be the case when you access a variable from the kernel mode - this is why you need MDLs and MmMapIoSpace()…

As Maxim already told you, go and get yourself Walter Oney’s book - it will help you quite a lot…

Anton Bassov

Thanks very much!

On 1/15/07, xxxxx@hotmail.com wrote:
> Basically, all user-mode addresses are still valid, as long as you access
> them in context of the target application. However, this may not always be
> the case when you access a variable from the kernel mode - this is why you
> need MDLs and MmMapIoSpace()…
> As Maxim already told you, go and get yourself Walter Oney’s book - it
> will help you quite a lot…
> Anton Bassov
> —
> Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
> http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
> http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer

There are a number of good books, it depends on what you are looking for:

“The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book” by Baker and Lozano is the easiest to
read, but does have some errors so while it is great to learn concepts be
careful on following its details.

“Programming the Windows Driver Model Second Edition” by Oney is the book
for current driver development. It does not cover WDF though and is not
always the easiest to read.

“Developing Windows NT Device Drivers” by Dekker and Newcomer is a large
book the uses a peel the onion approach of a high level view, then a deeper
view, then reference details. It does not cover plug and play or power and
is getting old, but still has lots of value.

“Windows NT Device Driver Development” by Viscarola and Mason has some of
the best details on implementation of things in the system, and is a good
read. Like Dekker and Newcomer it is for the older NT model of drivers.

There are two books that are comming on the Windows Driver Framework, you
should definitely be looking at this for your development,

“Introduction to the Windows Driver Foundation Kernel Mode Driver
Framework” see the OSR store for details. Knowing OSR it will be

“Developing Drivers with the Microsoft® Windows® Driver Foundation” see

I have known Walt Oney, Ed Dekker, Joe Newcomer, Peter Viscarola, Tony
Mason and the team developing the Microsoft WDF book for quite a while so
this may bias my opinions.

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
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“Cathal Mullaney” wrote in message
> Sorry for the spam guys, but if anyone can recommend a good text for
> absolute beginners can you let me know?
> Thanks!
> C

I know none of the authors, and I would second every recommendation Don made. Personally, I think that the approach taken by the Dekker and Newcomer book is the most likely to be least frustrating from a beginner, but I would place more in the “old” category rather than on its way there.


>> xxxxx@acm.org 2007-01-15 09:13 >>>
There are a number of good books, it depends on what you are looking for:

“The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book” by Baker and Lozano is the easiest to
read, but does have some errors so while it is great to learn concepts be
careful on following its details.

“Programming the Windows Driver Model Second Edition” by Oney is the book
for current driver development. It does not cover WDF though and is not
always the easiest to read.

“Developing Windows NT Device Drivers” by Dekker and Newcomer is a large
book the uses a peel the onion approach of a high level view, then a deeper
view, then reference details. It does not cover plug and play or power and
is getting old, but still has lots of value.

“Windows NT Device Driver Development” by Viscarola and Mason has some of
the best details on implementation of things in the system, and is a good
read. Like Dekker and Newcomer it is for the older NT model of drivers.

There are two books that are comming on the Windows Driver Framework, you
should definitely be looking at this for your development,

“Introduction to the Windows Driver Foundation Kernel Mode Driver
Framework” see the OSR store for details. Knowing OSR it will be

“Developing Drivers with the Microsoft? Windows? Driver Foundation” see

I have known Walt Oney, Ed Dekker, Joe Newcomer, Peter Viscarola, Tony
Mason and the team developing the Microsoft WDF book for quite a while so
this may bias my opinions.

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
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“Cathal Mullaney” wrote in message
> Sorry for the spam guys, but if anyone can recommend a good text for
> absolute beginners can you let me know?
> Thanks!
> C

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256

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