FW: retrieving the physical location of a volume on one or more disks

In a previous discussion here Mark Roddy mentioned the
IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS control code. This control code
retrieves the physical location of a specified volume on one or more disks.
However, this control code is not supported on win2k, which is a platform I
must support. Does anyone know a method for retrieving this information that
will work on win2k?

In reply to Mark Roddy’s suggestion, Mark A. Green mentioned that this
control code will not work for USB devices, it works fine for me though. The
only reason I can think of that this would not work on USB devices is that
the PDO for Removable Storage is disk.sys and since disk.sys is not a Volume
Manager (like ftdisk.sys, for example), it might not support this control
code. But as I mentioned, it seems that the control code works for all types
of disks, even if they are Removal Storage. Was Mark A. Green wrong or am I
missing something?
