FW: Cannot debug Windows Server 2008 kernel

Sorry, I sent it to the right list, but replied to the wrong list.


From: Martin O’Brien
Sent: Tue 9/11/2007 2:13 PM
To: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Cannot debug Windows Server 2008 kernel

First, the basics.

  • are you sure that you are using a null modem cable and not a straight thru or other? To make sure, try connecting both machines with hyperterminal.

Also, make sure that you have done at least one of the following:

  • started windbg with -b on the command line

  • started windbg with -d on the command line and then rebooted

  • set halbreakpoint to on with bcdedit on the target

  • pressed “ctrl-c” in windbg once the target is up and running (earlier will work as well, but too early in the boot process will not, so just wait until it is showing you a logon screen

  • taken “Break” from the “Debug” menu in windbg, also when the target is up and running

If you have done at least one of those, and windbg still doesn’t break in, then are you using WinDbg and does the target halt, but windbg doesn’t break in? If so, then make sure you aren’t using -b, -d or halbreakpoint. (and maybe; I don’t know) has a known issue with these settings.

If it’s neither of these three scenarios, you’re going to have to give us some more information.

Good luck,


The cable that i am using is a null-modem cable. Its working fine with hyperterminal.

When I set the halbreakpoint, the target halts but WinDbg doesn’t break in. I am using WinDbg version 6.7.0005.1.

  • Anupam Godbole

This sounds like the problem. To the best of my knowledge, your only options, which aren’t so bad, are to remove halbreakpoint, and start WinDbg without either -b or -d, and press Ctrl-C to break in the first time. This should do it. Microsoft knows of this problem; I told them about it a few months ago. I’ll check in with them again and see if I can find out what the official status is.

Good luck,


Ctrl-C key combination worked like a charm!
I dont understand one thing though. Ctrl-C is supposed to be a shortcut key for “Copy”…right? Then how does it break into the kernel?

  • Anupam Godbole

Hi, ganupam.

Ctrl-C is “broke for console” and “copy for GUI”. If u use kd, u could
use ctrl-c to break. But if u use windbg, u should use ctrl+break, not
ctrl+c. Of course, if u just press ctrl+c for general application, it
would not break into kernel. :smiley:

Regards, Mihs

Quoting xxxxx@gmail.com:

Ctrl-C key combination worked like a charm!
I dont understand one thing though. Ctrl-C is supposed to be a
shortcut key for “Copy”…right? Then how does it break into the

  • Anupam Godbole

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once upon a time ctrl+c+1 used to break in kernel :smiley:

On 9/13/07, Ming-I Hsieh wrote:
> if u just press ctrl+c for general application, it
> would not break into kernel. :smiley: