FtDisk device name

I am currently porting a win2k disk class driver to winxp. I’ve added all
the new Ex IOCTLs to the driver. Everything is working fine except for the
fact that FtDisk.sys will not create his device name
//device/HarddiskVolume1 with a symbolic link name of //dosdevices/c:.
Since this is not happening, the system under winxp will BSOD with
unmountable volume status = 0xc000014f. I see that their are new IOCTLs in
WinXp that can be sent to the mount manager such as
IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_AUTO_DL_ASSIGNMENTS. I have tried each one of these but I am
getting absolutely nowhere. The status returned is not really helpful. I
believe its because FtDisk.sys is not creating his device name and
corresponding symbolic link name. I know the volume is readable because I
can boot to DOS and read the c: driver.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks In Advance,

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What I would do is rebuild the disk class driver (with all debugging turned
on) from the DDK for WXP and compare it’s debug output against your debug
output. I think your missing something else.

Mark J. Cariddi
Consulting Associate
Open Systems Resources, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Moriarty [mailto:xxxxx@east.sun.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] FtDisk device name

I am currently porting a win2k disk class driver to winxp. I’ve added all
the new Ex IOCTLs to the driver. Everything is working fine except for the
fact that FtDisk.sys will not create his device name
//device/HarddiskVolume1 with a symbolic link name of //dosdevices/c:. Since
this is not happening, the system under winxp will BSOD with unmountable
volume status = 0xc000014f. I see that their are new IOCTLs in WinXp that
can be sent to the mount manager such as IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_CREATE_POINT,
IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_AUTO_DL_ASSIGNMENTS. I have tried each one of these but I am
getting absolutely nowhere. The status returned is not really helpful. I
believe its because FtDisk.sys is not creating his device name and
corresponding symbolic link name. I know the volume is readable because I
can boot to DOS and read the c: driver.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks In Advance,

You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@osr.com
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Problem is, the DDK version of WXP would not work on our platform. Do you
know what would prevent FtDisk from creating his device names?


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Mark Cariddi
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:40 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: FtDisk device name

What I would do is rebuild the disk class driver (with all
debugging turned
on) from the DDK for WXP and compare it’s debug output against your debug
output. I think your missing something else.

Mark J. Cariddi
Consulting Associate
Open Systems Resources, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Moriarty [mailto:xxxxx@east.sun.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] FtDisk device name

I am currently porting a win2k disk class driver to winxp. I’ve added all
the new Ex IOCTLs to the driver. Everything is working fine
except for the
fact that FtDisk.sys will not create his device name
//device/HarddiskVolume1 with a symbolic link name of
//dosdevices/c:. Since
this is not happening, the system under winxp will BSOD with unmountable
volume status = 0xc000014f. I see that their are new IOCTLs in WinXp that
can be sent to the mount manager such as IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_CREATE_POINT,
these but I am
getting absolutely nowhere. The status returned is not really helpful. I
believe its because FtDisk.sys is not creating his device name and
corresponding symbolic link name. I know the volume is readable because I
can boot to DOS and read the c: driver.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks In Advance,

You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@osr.com
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You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@east.sun.com
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To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

“Joe Moriarty” wrote in message
> Problem is, the DDK version of WXP would not work on our platform.

Eh? So, you’re building a driver for XP, but you’re NOT using the Windows
XP DDK? Also, if you’re running Win2K or WinXP, the XP DDK better work on
your platform… unless you’ve got a totally unsupported setup… in which
case all bets are off in any case.

I’d do precisely what Mark suggested: Build the disk class driver from the
sources on the DDK and walk into the code. You’re answer will be there in
front of you.


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To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

Actually the answer to the problem is in the fastfat.sys driver. For some
reason, the fastfat.sys driver is reading the MBR table and not partition 0
from the harddrive. Same piece of code I used with Win2K. But now has
changed for WinXp. Well stepping through the Fat File system unleashed this
piece of wisdom when the file system is reading the partition table from the
hard disk. This snipit of code comes from the function FatMountVolume() in

// Ping the volume with a partition query to make Jeff happy.


(VOID) FatPerformDevIoCtrl( IrpContext,
&Iosb );

// Make sure we can wait.

SetFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);

// Initialize the Bcbs and our final state so that the termination
// handlers will know what to free or unpin

BootBcb = NULL;
DirentBcb = NULL;

Vcb = NULL;
VolDo = NULL;
MountNewVolume = FALSE;

try {


PVCB OldVcb;
PVPB OldVpb;

// Synchronize with FatCheckForDismount(), which modifies the vpb.

(VOID)FatAcquireExclusiveGlobal( IrpContext );

// Create a new volume device object. This will have the Vcb
// hanging off of its end, and set its alignment requirement
// from the device we talk to.

if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = IoCreateDevice( FatData.DriverObject,



try_return( Status );

#ifdef PNP_POWER
// This driver doesn’t talk directly to a device, and (at the
// isn’t otherwise concerned about power management.

VolDo->DeviceObject.DeviceObjectExtension->PowerControlNeeded =

// Our alignment requirement is the larger of the processor
alignment requirement
// already in the volume device object and that in the

if (TargetDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement >
VolDo->DeviceObject.AlignmentRequirement) {

VolDo->DeviceObject.AlignmentRequirement =

// Initialize the overflow queue for the volume

VolDo->OverflowQueueCount = 0;
InitializeListHead( &VolDo->OverflowQueue );

VolDo->PostedRequestCount = 0;
KeInitializeSpinLock( &VolDo->OverflowQueueSpinLock );

// Indicate that this device object is now completely initialized

ClearFlag(VolDo->DeviceObject.Flags, DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING);

// Now Before we can initialize the Vcb we need to set up the
// object field in the Vpb to point to our new volume device
// This is needed when we create the virtual volume file’s file
// in initialize vcb.

Vpb->DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)VolDo;

// If the real device needs verification, temporarily clear the
// field.

RealDevice = Vpb->RealDevice;

if ( FlagOn(RealDevice->Flags, DO_VERIFY_VOLUME) ) {

ClearFlag(RealDevice->Flags, DO_VERIFY_VOLUME);

WeClearedVerifyRequiredBit = TRUE;

// Initialize the new vcb

FatInitializeVcb( IrpContext, &VolDo->Vcb, TargetDeviceObject, Vpb);

// Get a reference to the Vcb hanging off the end of the device

Vcb = &VolDo->Vcb;

// We must initialize the stack size in our device object before
// the following reads, because the I/O system has not done it yet.

Vpb->DeviceObject->StackSize = (CCHAR)(TargetDeviceObject->StackSize
+ 1);

// Read in the boot sector, and have the read be the minumum size
// needed. We know we can wait.

FatReadVolumeFile( IrpContext,
0, // Starting Byte
(PVOID *)&BootSector );

// Call a routine to check the boot sector to see if it is fat

if (!FatIsBootSectorFat( BootSector )) {

DebugTrace(0, Dbg, “Not a Fat Volume\n”, 0);

// Complete the request and return to our caller

try_return( Status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME );
<< snipit of code end >>

The TargetDeviceObject is the Device Object of the Disk and not partition0.
Notice the call to FatReadVolume File above. The Starting Byte is 0. When
your reading from
Starting Offset of 0 from the Hard Disk your reading in the MBR. Now
dependent on the length you could be reading in the partition tables as
well. But, if you look at FatIsBootSectorFat. This function
wants the BootSector to be a partition entry. So my problem comes from the
fact that the fastfat.sys
driver is reading my MBR table and seeing if it’s a fat partition. This is
not going to happen. If the code would read the partition0 entry and find
out if it’s a fat partition, then I would have no problems.

One of two reasons of what could be wrong. The TargetDeviceObject is wrong.
It should point to my Partition Device Object. I find that hard to believe
because the call to read the data is still coming from start offset 0. This
could be possible if the cache manager understands this and adjusts the
offset to read from partition0.

The second reason of what could be wrong. The Start Offset in the call to
FatReadVolumeFile should be
calculated to point to partition0 entry.

Am I looking at a bug here?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
> [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Peter Viscarola
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 7:45 PM
> To: NT Developers Interest List
> Subject: [ntdev] Re: FtDisk device name
> “Joe Moriarty” wrote in message
> news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> >
> > Problem is, the DDK version of WXP would not work on our platform.
> >
> Eh? So, you’re building a driver for XP, but you’re NOT using the Windows
> XP DDK? Also, if you’re running Win2K or WinXP, the XP DDK
> better work on
> your platform… unless you’ve got a totally unsupported setup… in which
> case all bets are off in any case.
> I’d do precisely what Mark suggested: Build the disk class driver from the
> sources on the DDK and walk into the code. You’re answer will be there in
> front of you.
> Peter
> —
> You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@east.sun.com
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: $subst(‘Recip.EmailAddr’)
To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

Well the TargetDeviceObject is pointing to my partition that is formatted as
FAT. So I am thinking that I am looking at bug here in WinXp with the Cache
Manager or FastFat.sys. I will keep debugging to find out.


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Joe Moriarty
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:48 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: FtDisk device name

Actually the answer to the problem is in the fastfat.sys driver. For some
reason, the fastfat.sys driver is reading the MBR table and not
partition 0
from the harddrive. Same piece of code I used with Win2K. But now has
changed for WinXp. Well stepping through the Fat File system
unleashed this
piece of wisdom when the file system is reading the partition
table from the
hard disk. This snipit of code comes from the function
FatMountVolume() in

> //
> // Ping the volume with a partition query to make Jeff happy.
> //
> {
> PARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInformation;
> (VOID) FatPerformDevIoCtrl( IrpContext,
> TargetDeviceObject,
> &PartitionInformation,
> &Iosb );
> }
> //
> // Make sure we can wait.
> //
> SetFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
> //
> // Initialize the Bcbs and our final state so that the termination
> // handlers will know what to free or unpin
> //
> BootBcb = NULL;
> DirentBcb = NULL;
> Vcb = NULL;
> VolDo = NULL;
> MountNewVolume = FALSE;
> try {
> PVCB OldVcb;
> PVPB OldVpb;
> //
> // Synchronize with FatCheckForDismount(), which
> modifies the vpb.
> //
> (VOID)FatAcquireExclusiveGlobal( IrpContext );
> //
> // Create a new volume device object. This will have the Vcb
> // hanging off of its end, and set its alignment requirement
> // from the device we talk to.
> //
> if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = IoCreateDevice( FatData.DriverObject,
> 0,
> *)&VolDo)))
> {
> try_return( Status );
> }
> #ifdef PNP_POWER
> //
> // This driver doesn’t talk directly to a device, and (at the
> moment)
> // isn’t otherwise concerned about power management.
> //
> VolDo->DeviceObject.DeviceObjectExtension->PowerControlNeeded =
> #endif
> //
> // Our alignment requirement is the larger of the processor
> alignment requirement
> // already in the volume device object and that in the
> TargetDeviceObject
> //
> if (TargetDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement >
> VolDo->DeviceObject.AlignmentRequirement) {
> VolDo->DeviceObject.AlignmentRequirement =
> TargetDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement;
> }
> //
> // Initialize the overflow queue for the volume
> //
> VolDo->OverflowQueueCount = 0;
> InitializeListHead( &VolDo->OverflowQueue );
> VolDo->PostedRequestCount = 0;
> KeInitializeSpinLock( &VolDo->OverflowQueueSpinLock );
> //
> // Indicate that this device object is now completely initialized
> //
> ClearFlag(VolDo->DeviceObject.Flags, DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING);
> //
> // Now Before we can initialize the Vcb we need to set up the
> device
> // object field in the Vpb to point to our new volume device
> object.
> // This is needed when we create the virtual volume file’s file
> object
> // in initialize vcb.
> //
> Vpb->DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)VolDo;
> //
> // If the real device needs verification, temporarily clear the
> // field.
> //
> RealDevice = Vpb->RealDevice;
> if ( FlagOn(RealDevice->Flags, DO_VERIFY_VOLUME) ) {
> ClearFlag(RealDevice->Flags, DO_VERIFY_VOLUME);
> WeClearedVerifyRequiredBit = TRUE;
> }
> //
> // Initialize the new vcb
> //
> FatInitializeVcb( IrpContext, &VolDo->Vcb,
> TargetDeviceObject, Vpb);
> //
> // Get a reference to the Vcb hanging off the end of the device
> object
> //
> Vcb = &VolDo->Vcb;
> //
> // We must initialize the stack size in our device object before
> // the following reads, because the I/O system has not
> done it yet.
> //
> Vpb->DeviceObject->StackSize =
> (CCHAR)(TargetDeviceObject->StackSize
> + 1);
> //
> // Read in the boot sector, and have the read be the minumum size
> // needed. We know we can wait.
> //
> FatReadVolumeFile( IrpContext,
> Vcb,
> 0, // Starting Byte
> &BootBcb,
> (PVOID *)&BootSector );
> //
> // Call a routine to check the boot sector to see if it is fat
> //
> if (!FatIsBootSectorFat( BootSector )) {
> DebugTrace(0, Dbg, “Not a Fat Volume\n”, 0);
> //
> // Complete the request and return to our caller
> //
> try_return( Status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME );
> }
> << snipit of code end >>
> The TargetDeviceObject is the Device Object of the Disk and not
> partition0.
> Notice the call to FatReadVolume File above. The Starting Byte
> is 0. When
> your reading from
> Starting Offset of 0 from the Hard Disk your reading in the MBR. Now
> dependent on the length you could be reading in the partition tables as
> well. But, if you look at FatIsBootSectorFat. This function
> wants the BootSector to be a partition entry. So my problem
> comes from the
> fact that the fastfat.sys
> driver is reading my MBR table and seeing if it’s a fat
> partition. This is
> not going to happen. If the code would read the partition0 entry and find
> out if it’s a fat partition, then I would have no problems.
> One of two reasons of what could be wrong. The
> TargetDeviceObject is wrong.
> It should point to my Partition Device Object. I find that hard
> to believe
> because the call to read the data is still coming from start
> offset 0. This
> could be possible if the cache manager understands this and adjusts the
> offset to read from partition0.
> The second reason of what could be wrong. The Start Offset in the call to
> FatReadVolumeFile should be
> calculated to point to partition0 entry.
> Am I looking at a bug here?
> Joe
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
> > [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Peter Viscarola
> > Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 7:45 PM
> > To: NT Developers Interest List
> > Subject: [ntdev] Re: FtDisk device name
> >
> >
> > “Joe Moriarty” wrote in message
> > news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> > >
> > > Problem is, the DDK version of WXP would not work on our platform.
> > >
> >
> > Eh? So, you’re building a driver for XP, but you’re NOT using
> the Windows
> > XP DDK? Also, if you’re running Win2K or WinXP, the XP DDK
> > better work on
> > your platform… unless you’ve got a totally unsupported
> setup… in which
> > case all bets are off in any case.
> >
> > I’d do precisely what Mark suggested: Build the disk class
> driver from the
> > sources on the DDK and walk into the code. You’re answer will
> be there in
> > front of you.
> >
> > Peter
> > OSR
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > —
> > You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@east.sun.com
> > To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com
> >
> —
> You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@east.sun.com
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: $subst(‘Recip.EmailAddr’)
To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-ntdev-$subst(‘Recip.MemberIDChar’)@lists.osr.com

Now I have back traced this thing in Win2K as well to find the difference
between Win2K working and WinXp not working. Win2K does the same thing but
with one noticeable difference.

In Win2K, I notice the PartMgr is sitting on top of my Disk’s PDO partition.
The call to FatReadVolumeFile in fastfat.sys does not succeed until FtDisk
is loaded and a request is sent to //Harddisk/Volume1 which succeeds. So
now I see the problem the questions are.

  1. Why doesn’t the Partition Manager attach to my Disk PDOs in WinXp
  2. Why isn’t FtDisk creating his Device Name in WinXp. The reason may be
    related to question 1.
  3. Would calling the Mount Manager as a client from my disk driver solve
    this mount problems?

Anyone have any ideas.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Joe Moriarty
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:48 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: FtDisk device name

Actually the answer to the problem is in the fastfat.sys driver. For some
reason, the fastfat.sys driver is reading the MBR table and not
partition 0
from the harddrive. Same piece of code I used with Win2K. But now has
changed for WinXp. Well stepping through the Fat File system
unleashed this
piece of wisdom when the file system is reading the partition
table from the
hard disk. This snipit of code comes from the function
FatMountVolume() in

> //
> // Ping the volume with a partition query to make Jeff happy.
> //
> {
> PARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInformation;
> (VOID) FatPerformDevIoCtrl( IrpContext,
> TargetDeviceObject,
> &PartitionInformation,
> &Iosb );
> }
> //
> // Make sure we can wait.
> //
> SetFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
> //
> // Initialize the Bcbs and our final state so that the termination
> // handlers will know what to free or unpin
> //
> BootBcb = NULL;
> DirentBcb = NULL;
> Vcb = NULL;
> VolDo = NULL;
> MountNewVolume = FALSE;
> try {
> PVCB OldVcb;
> PVPB OldVpb;
> //
> // Synchronize with FatCheckForDismount(), which
> modifies the vpb.
> //
> (VOID)FatAcquireExclusiveGlobal( IrpContext );
> //
> // Create a new volume device object. This will have the Vcb
> // hanging off of its end, and set its alignment requirement
> // from the device we talk to.
> //
> if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = IoCreateDevice( FatData.DriverObject,
> 0,
> *)&VolDo)))
> {
> try_return( Status );
> }
> #ifdef PNP_POWER
> //
> // This driver doesn’t talk directly to a device, and (at the
> moment)
> // isn’t otherwise concerned about power management.
> //
> VolDo->DeviceObject.DeviceObjectExtension->PowerControlNeeded =
> #endif
> //
> // Our alignment requirement is the larger of the processor
> alignment requirement
> // already in the volume device object and that in the
> TargetDeviceObject
> //
> if (TargetDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement >
> VolDo->DeviceObject.AlignmentRequirement) {
> VolDo->DeviceObject.AlignmentRequirement =
> TargetDeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement;
> }
> //
> // Initialize the overflow queue for the volume
> //
> VolDo->OverflowQueueCount = 0;
> InitializeListHead( &VolDo->OverflowQueue );
> VolDo->PostedRequestCount = 0;
> KeInitializeSpinLock( &VolDo->OverflowQueueSpinLock );
> //
> // Indicate that this device object is now completely initialized
> //
> ClearFlag(VolDo->DeviceObject.Flags, DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING);
> //
> // Now Before we can initialize the Vcb we need to set up the
> device
> // object field in the Vpb to point to our new volume device
> object.
> // This is needed when we create the virtual volume file’s file
> object
> // in initialize vcb.
> //
> Vpb->DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)VolDo;
> //
> // If the real device needs verification, temporarily clear the
> // field.
> //
> RealDevice = Vpb->RealDevice;
> if ( FlagOn(RealDevice->Flags, DO_VERIFY_VOLUME) ) {
> ClearFlag(RealDevice->Flags, DO_VERIFY_VOLUME);
> WeClearedVerifyRequiredBit = TRUE;
> }
> //
> // Initialize the new vcb
> //
> FatInitializeVcb( IrpContext, &VolDo->Vcb,
> TargetDeviceObject, Vpb);
> //
> // Get a reference to the Vcb hanging off the end of the device
> object
> //
> Vcb = &VolDo->Vcb;
> //
> // We must initialize the stack size in our device object before
> // the following reads, because the I/O system has not
> done it yet.
> //
> Vpb->DeviceObject->StackSize =
> (CCHAR)(TargetDeviceObject->StackSize
> + 1);
> //
> // Read in the boot sector, and have the read be the minumum size
> // needed. We know we can wait.
> //
> FatReadVolumeFile( IrpContext,
> Vcb,
> 0, // Starting Byte
> &BootBcb,
> (PVOID *)&BootSector );
> //
> // Call a routine to check the boot sector to see if it is fat
> //
> if (!FatIsBootSectorFat( BootSector )) {
> DebugTrace(0, Dbg, “Not a Fat Volume\n”, 0);
> //
> // Complete the request and return to our caller
> //
> try_return( Status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME );
> }
> << snipit of code end >>
> The TargetDeviceObject is the Device Object of the Disk and not
> partition0.
> Notice the call to FatReadVolume File above. The Starting Byte
> is 0. When
> your reading from
> Starting Offset of 0 from the Hard Disk your reading in the MBR. Now
> dependent on the length you could be reading in the partition tables as
> well. But, if you look at FatIsBootSectorFat. This function
> wants the BootSector to be a partition entry. So my problem
> comes from the
> fact that the fastfat.sys
> driver is reading my MBR table and seeing if it’s a fat
> partition. This is
> not going to happen. If the code would read the partition0 entry and find
> out if it’s a fat partition, then I would have no problems.
> One of two reasons of what could be wrong. The
> TargetDeviceObject is wrong.
> It should point to my Partition Device Object. I find that hard
> to believe
> because the call to read the data is still coming from start
> offset 0. This
> could be possible if the cache manager understands this and adjusts the
> offset to read from partition0.
> The second reason of what could be wrong. The Start Offset in the call to
> FatReadVolumeFile should be
> calculated to point to partition0 entry.
> Am I looking at a bug here?
> Joe
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
> > [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Peter Viscarola
> > Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 7:45 PM
> > To: NT Developers Interest List
> > Subject: [ntdev] Re: FtDisk device name
> >
> >
> > “Joe Moriarty” wrote in message
> > news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> > >
> > > Problem is, the DDK version of WXP would not work on our platform.
> > >
> >
> > Eh? So, you’re building a driver for XP, but you’re NOT using
> the Windows
> > XP DDK? Also, if you’re running Win2K or WinXP, the XP DDK
> > better work on
> > your platform… unless you’ve got a totally unsupported
> setup… in which
> > case all bets are off in any case.
> >
> > I’d do precisely what Mark suggested: Build the disk class
> driver from the
> > sources on the DDK and walk into the code. You’re answer will
> be there in
> > front of you.
> >
> > Peter
> > OSR
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > —
> > You are currently subscribed to ntdev as: xxxxx@east.sun.com
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