Force an NP DLL close


I developed an IFS with network redirector. As such, it has an NP DLL.

The product has an uninstaller, called from the std programs add/delete
control panel. One of the jobs of the uninstaller is to delete the NP DLL
file. Naturally, it is deleted after erasing the reference to it from the
registry and unregistering from MUP.

Alas, if a user tried to uninstall within about 15 minutes of the last use
of the product, the uninstaller fails deleting the DLL. The O/S (MUP?)
seems to be keeping the DLL open for some time after removing its
reference from the registry .

My question is, does anyone know of a way to *force* the O/S to close the
DLL file?

Chuck Shavit

> My question is, does anyone know of a way to *force* the O/S to close the

DLL file?

Not MUP, but MPR, which is runs (also, besides the NET.EXE) in Explorer process. So, require a logoff.
NP DLL is not COM, thus, forcing the shell to do CoFreeUnusedLibraries will not help.
