I wonder if anyone from MS can confirm if these are a known issue? Namely, it appears that both bugs stem from IoCreateFile bug itself, where it is unable to open the file/folder to perform a name query across volumes. Since some build of Win10 this seems to be 100% reproducible, IIRC, and happens on remote volumes also.
FltGetDestinationFileNameInformation is completely broken for normalized queries at least.
Can you describe the problem in more detail, provide code example, Win10 build number and FltGetDFNI return statuses?
Call for a normalized file name when there are links across volumes fails with 0xC0000389 status.
I donno which builds are affected, it has been happening for over a year IIRC.
0xC0000389? It's STATUS_SMARTCARD_CERT_REVOKED. Never seen this status before.
0xc0000369 sorry.
Looks like the documented behavior of the underlying IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint().
Why are you calling FltGetDFNI on another volume?
Cross-volume moving/renaming isn't possible.
No, the rename is on the same volume but the paths (src and dst) both contain volume links
E.g. c:\Vol2 is a link to d:
Rename on c:\vol2\teat1.txt to x:\vol2\teat2.txt fails to get the file name.