Finding driver for NXFS pool tag

I’m experiencing a kernel memory leak, which causes my Windows XP PC to hang.
I’ve found out with Poolmon.exe that the pool tag ‘NXFS’ is leaking memory, but I’m not able to find the driver/program which is associated with this pool tag. (Text)searching my whole hard drive with Explorer doesn’t lead to any hits, and Google doesn’t deliver any hits either.

Does anyone know what driver/program uses the NXFS pool tag or has suggestions of how to find/log it?

If you have not seen it, start here:

and this

Then ask yourself what you have installed on your system that is non-OS
provided. Given that the tag is ‘NXFS’ I would start looking for stuff that
is related to [N]etworks and [F]ile [S]ystems and such. Do you have
something installed like ClearCase which adds a filesystem? How about NFS?

Of course that could be a red-herring too.

If you really want to know, you can set a conditional breakpoint on
ExAllocatePoolWithTag() that checks the tag value (wicked slow) or in a
running system, find an allocation with that tag using the debugger and set
an “On Access” breakpoint on the pool allocation. Chances are, when the
breakpoint hits, the call stack is going to show you activity by the owner
or a least a close associate of the owner activity.

Good Luck,
Dave Cattley

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:21 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Finding driver for NXFS pool tag

I’m experiencing a kernel memory leak, which causes my Windows XP PC to
I’ve found out with Poolmon.exe that the pool tag ‘NXFS’ is leaking memory,
but I’m not able to find the driver/program which is associated with this
pool tag. (Text)searching my whole hard drive with Explorer doesn’t lead to
any hits, and Google doesn’t deliver any hits either.

Does anyone know what driver/program uses the NXFS pool tag or has
suggestions of how to find/log it?

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> If you really want to know, you can set a conditional breakpoint on

ExAllocatePoolWithTag() that checks the tag value (wicked slow) or in a
running system, find an allocation with that tag using the debugger and
an “On Access” breakpoint on the pool allocation. Chances are, when the
breakpoint hits, the call stack is going to show you activity by the owner
or a least a close associate of the owner activity.

Instead of a conditional breakpoint, you can also use this:

kd> ed nt!PoolHitTag ‘SFXN’

If you only have a dump or local kd (rather than a live debugger) then
searching through all loaded drivers often works:

lkd> .reload
lkd> !for_each_module s-a @#Base @#End “NXFS”

Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Thanks! I will surely add that to my debug kit.

I assume then that nt!PoolHitTag is a ULONG32 that is compared to the tag
specified in pool allocations and on equality raises a breakpoint? Or
something like that?

Got any other tips & tricks you want to share?

Dave Cattley

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Pavel Lebedinsky
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 3:48 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] Finding driver for NXFS pool tag

If you really want to know, you can set a conditional breakpoint on
ExAllocatePoolWithTag() that checks the tag value (wicked slow) or in a
running system, find an allocation with that tag using the debugger and
an “On Access” breakpoint on the pool allocation. Chances are, when the
breakpoint hits, the call stack is going to show you activity by the owner
or a least a close associate of the owner activity.

Instead of a conditional breakpoint, you can also use this:

kd> ed nt!PoolHitTag ‘SFXN’

If you only have a dump or local kd (rather than a live debugger) then
searching through all loaded drivers often works:

lkd> .reload
lkd> !for_each_module s-a @#Base @#End “NXFS”

Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Yes, that is how it works.

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: David R. Cattley
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 6:37
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Finding driver for NXFS pool tag


Thanks! I will surely add that to my debug kit.

I assume then that nt!PoolHitTag is a ULONG32 that is compared to the tag
specified in pool allocations and on equality raises a breakpoint? Or
something like that?

Got any other tips & tricks you want to share?

Dave Cattley

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Pavel Lebedinsky
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 3:48 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] Finding driver for NXFS pool tag

> If you really want to know, you can set a conditional breakpoint on
> ExAllocatePoolWithTag() that checks the tag value (wicked slow) or in a
> running system, find an allocation with that tag using the debugger and
> set
> an “On Access” breakpoint on the pool allocation. Chances are, when the
> breakpoint hits, the call stack is going to show you activity by the owner
> or a least a close associate of the owner activity.

Instead of a conditional breakpoint, you can also use this:

kd> ed nt!PoolHitTag ‘SFXN’

If you only have a dump or local kd (rather than a live debugger) then
searching through all loaded drivers often works:

lkd> .reload
lkd> !for_each_module s-a @#Base @#End “NXFS”

Pavel Lebedinsky/Windows Kernel Test
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Hi David,

Thanks for your remark about searching for file system related software, this led me to ThreatFire-software I installed. Removing this software, makes the NXFS memory pool tag disappear. Reinstalling makes it appear again. So I’ve found the leak and reported it, so hopefully it will be solved.

> I assume then that nt!PoolHitTag is a ULONG32 that is compared to the tag

specified in pool allocations and on equality raises a breakpoint? Or
something like that?

Exactly. Frees are IIRC also affected, though I don’t remember well, it was 1.5 year ago when I used it.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP