finding a PCIe device on the other device stacks

I have an upper disk class filter driver in one of the device stacks (D1) and I need to find out if the PCIe device (D2) on another stacks is my vendor’s PCIe device with whom my D1 can communicate through some private interface. What is the best way to achieve this?

Currently I obtain the PDO of the devices on the other (target) stacks and call IoGetDeviceProperty (DevicePropertyHardwareID) but I see that several devices have the same DevicePropertyHardwareID so it appears it may not work. Help please. Thanks.

Can they contact you? That would the safest way to do it. wrote:

I have an upper disk class filter driver in one of the device stacks (D1) and I need to find out if the PCIe device (D2) on another stacks is my vendor’s PCIe device with whom my D1 can communicate through some private interface. What is the best way to achieve this?

Currently I obtain the PDO of the devices on the other (target) stacks and call IoGetDeviceProperty (DevicePropertyHardwareID) but I see that several devices have the same DevicePropertyHardwareID so it appears it may not work. Help please. Thanks.

How can they contact me?

I don’t know. It’s kind of hard to say without some idea of why you’re doing this. Since you’re interested in establishing a
‘private interface,’ I assume that they are willing to play ball, and could contact you according to a protocol you provide. It
could obviously work the other way also, but it just seems safer to have you tell them what to look for, since you can provide it.
If they aren’t exactly a willing or knowing participant in this private interface, then we have a different problem, but we would
need to know more to decide between import linking (which is almost certainly not what you want) and passing a structure of
pointers, which in some way or another will probably eventually be the basis for the implementation, but we need to know a little
more about the other driver’s role in this setup.

Good luck,

mm wrote:

How can they contact me?