filtering video miniport drivers

Hi guys,
Just that question, i want to filter my miport display driver, it is that posible??
I was considering writing a class upper filter for the display class. Any hint for the inf file will be appreciated too. Please sorry if my questions make me look silly, i am a newbie student of the driver world. I have a little experience with other drivers but not with this type.
Thanks in advance. wrote:

Just that question, i want to filter my miport display driver, it is that posible??
I was considering writing a class upper filter for the display class. Any hint for the inf file will be appreciated too. Please sorry if my questions make me look silly, i am a newbie student of the driver world. I have a little experience with other drivers but not with this type.

This is not a silly question. In fact, this is a question that I
answered wrong not too many years ago, and had to be politely
corrected. At least I think it was polite.

The display miniport is, in fact, a WDM driver, and as such can be
filtered. However, what do you plan to do in your filter? The display
miniport does not participate in drawing commands, so you can’t do
mirroring, for example.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.