file redirection of (only new created files) from one drive to another drive using file system filte

hello everybody

i am new to ifs and facing a problem .
suppose i have a drive say c:\ which i want to fully protect from write operations and i make my new drive as h:\ (hidden drive)
Now my problem is that , i want to redirect only the new files created in drive
c:\ to my new drive h:.
The new files should be visible in c:\ along with the old files of c:\ ( but only the new files should be residing in h:) And

whatever operation i perform on new file must be redirected to h:.

i am using file system filter driver for building this and the sample i am referring is filespy.

i have seen using filemon that whenever we open a new drive then there are several irp_mj_create requests on the new drive and its files.

so is there any way to allow irp_mj_create request of old files of the drive to be allowed to pass. and change only the path name of

only the new files created and redirect them to new h:\ (hidden drive) but this new files should be still visible to the user in c:.

So how should i procced.

Yes, STATUS_REPARSE does this.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation
----- Original Message -----
From: ksantosh_k7
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:27 PM
Subject: [ntfsd] file redirection of (only new created files) from one drive to another drive using file system filter driver

hello everybody i am new to ifs and facing a problem . suppose i have a drive say c:\ which i want to fully protect from write operations and i make my new drive as h:\ (hidden drive) Now my problem is that , i want to redirect only the new files created in drive c:\ to my new drive h:. The new files should be visible in c:\ along with the old files of c:\ ( but only the new files should be residing in h:) And whatever operation i perform on new file must be redirected to h:. i am using file system filter driver for building this and the sample i am referring is filespy. i have seen using filemon that whenever we open a new drive then there are several irp_mj_create requests on the new drive and its files. so is there any way to allow irp_mj_create request of old files of the drive to be allowed to pass. and change only the path name of only the new files created and redirect them to new h:\ (hidden drive) but this new files should be still visible to the user in c:. So how should i procced.

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Iam able to find that whether the current IRP_MJ_CREATE is for opening a existing file in the drive or for creation of new file in the drive using the IOCOMPLETIONROUTINE. I am also able to create new file in the hidden drive using STATUS REPARSE

but now there are two files getting created one in the original drive (using the originally sent irp) and one in the hidden drive(using the status reparse sent through iocompletionroutine) . How should i delete the new file created in the original drive from my IOCOMPLETIONROUTINE for IRP_MJ_CREATE itself.

will Zwdelete work or i will have to send irp’s to fsd to do these deletion work. since i do not want any new file creation in my orignal drive.

“Windows File Systems Devs Interest List” wrote:

Yes, STATUS_REPARSE does this.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation

----- Original Message -----
From: ksantosh_k7
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:27 PM
Subject: [ntfsd] file redirection of (only new created files) from one drive to another drive using file system filter driver

hello everybody i am new to ifs and facing a problem . suppose i have a drive say c:\ which i want to fully protect from write operations and i make my new drive as h:\ (hidden drive) Now my problem is that , i want to redirect only the new files created in drive c:\ to my new drive h:. The new files should be visible in c:\ along with the old files of c:\ ( but only the new files should be residing in h:) And whatever operation i perform on new file must be redirected to h:. i am using file system filter driver for building this and the sample i am referring is filespy. i have seen using filemon that whenever we open a new drive then there are several irp_mj_create requests on the new drive and its files. so is there any way to allow irp_mj_create request of old files of the drive to be allowed to pass. and change only the path name of only the new files created and redirect them to new h:\ (hidden drive) but this new files should be still visible to the user in c:. So ho!
w should i procced.

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Questions? First check the IFS FAQ at

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